My igor pro 7 cannot load GIS utilities

I use an IGOR PRO 7 version. I tried to load the GIS utilities, but jump out a error window. I tracked the issue online, and did the activation. Nothing happened to better case after all these.
Does anyone have the same problem as I do?
Looking forward to your reply.
I am guessing the file was accidentally omitted. I looked in the folder WaveMetrics Procedures>Data Manipulation where the GIS Utilities help.ihf is and there is no GIS Utilities help.ipf file.
March 26, 2017 at 07:18 am - Permalink
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 26, 2017 at 07:52 am - Permalink
The thumbnail showing the error dialog references the GIS Utilties package. GIS Utilties is an old package consisting of the GISLoadWave XOP, the "GIS Utilities.ipf" procedure file, and the "GIS Utilities.ihf" help file. It looks like, in Igor7, only the help file is shipped and I suspect that was unintended.
The attachment ("Screen Shot 2017-03-25") in the original post refers to the IgorGIS package. This is a newer package that consists of the IgorGIS XOP, the "IgorGIS Procedures.ipf" procedure file, and the "IgorGIS Help.ihf" help file. To read about the IgorGIS Package, execute:
That topic explains how to activate the IgorGIS package. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to activate the 64-bit version of the XOP for Igor64 and the 32-bit version for Igor32.
Included in the "IgorGIS Help.ihf" file is a topic, "GIS in Igor before IgorGIS", which says, referring to the old "GIS Utilities" package "These older tools have been largely removed for Igor 7". I recall vaguely that we discussed removing the "GIS Utilities" package from Igor7 and decided that virtually no one was using it.
NOTE: The IgorGIS package is powerful but has a learning curve. It is essential that you do the guided tour in the "IgorGIS Help.ihf" help file. You will also probably need some understanding of GIS data formats and techniques.
March 26, 2017 at 10:52 am - Permalink
If you select from the menu Data>Load Waves>Packages>Install GIS Utilities it returns an error "Include Error File Not Found".
March 27, 2017 at 09:22 am - Permalink
Hi Jim,
I downloaded your attached file and put it in the folder, finding it works for the first error now. Thanks.
After I click "install GIS utilities", it comes out a new error. See attached screenshot,
March 27, 2017 at 09:30 am - Permalink
Hi Andy,
I presume that you are quite sure of fixing this problem. Anyway, I tried times to do the exact work the help file explained. However, I could not make it. Maybe I need a dummy instruction to do it. Could the distributer just provide some videos on youtube like what they did before to show this? We are customers who do not have the experience as the builders have. In the meanwhile, this software is not free but quite expensive for users. We need that kind of instructions. Do you agree to my personal opinions? And no offences.
I appreciate your persistent and consistent sharing your experience.
March 27, 2017 at 09:44 am - Permalink
Andy is one of the more helpful users of Igor Pro here on IgorExchange. He's not responsible for how Igor Pro is built or documented; we are.
A video explaining how to create shortcuts or aliases to files on Windows or Macintosh isn't likely to be made anytime soon, but I can tell you that the simplest mistake to make (and I've just done this) is to put the alias to the XOP in the wrong folder, because there are 3 ways to get it wrong and only 1 way to get it right.
Basically, if you run Igor 64-bit, make a shortcut or alias to XOPs whose names end with "64", in this case "IgorGIS64.xop".
Then move that shortcut or alias to either Igor Extensions (64-bit) folder.
That is, one of Igor Pro Folder/Igor Extensions (64-bit) or Igor Pro 7 User Files/Igor Extensions (64-bit).
If you use Igor 32-bit, then create a shortcut/alias to the XOP without 64 in it, and move it to a folder without (64-bit) in it.
And don't forget to move a shortcut or alias to the IgorGIS Procedures.ipf into one of the Igor Procedures folders in either case.
Then restart Igor; that's important, too.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 27, 2017 at 10:53 am - Permalink
Still doesn't work. Maybe there are some problems with my macbook, making it works in your side and not in my side. Anyway, put this trouble aside. Too much time wasted on it!
March 27, 2017 at 11:59 am - Permalink
Hi Andy,
What OS are you using? Mine is MacOS. I suppose this problem would not be there in Windows.
Best regards,
March 27, 2017 at 01:42 pm - Permalink
The "GIS Utilities" package is obsolete. You should use the IgorGIS package instead (more on this below).
We neglected to remove parts of the old "GIS Utilities" package from Igor7 and thus left the Data->Load Waves->Packages->Install GIS Utilities menu item in place. This menu item does not work and should have been removed. Sorry for the confusion. We will remove it for the next release.
To get started with the IgorGIS package, execute:
That topic explains how to activate the IgorGIS package. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to activate the 64-bit version of the XOP for Igor64 and the 32-bit version for Igor32.
After activating the package, make sure to do the guided tour in the "IgorGIS Help.ihf" file.
NOTE: The IgorGIS package is powerful but has a learning curve. It is essential that you do the guided tour in the "IgorGIS Help.ihf" help file. You will also need some understanding of GIS data formats and techniques. Make sure that you understand the guided tour well before attempting to work with your data.
March 27, 2017 at 04:28 pm - Permalink
I returned back to this post after weeks since the above discussion. Reviewing the above post just reminded me GIS utilities and IgorGIS are different two tools, and GIS utilities still keeps staying in the menu Data -> Load Waves -> Packages -> Install GIS utilities and is obsolete and not working for Igor Pro 7 any longer. I did the same way as the above instructions, and it works now.
I was confused by these two tools and mistakenly thought they were one, but apparently they are distinct. I suggest just removing the obsolete GIS utilities in the next release and replace it with the new IGORGIS which currently can only be executed in command lines.
April 19, 2017 at 12:42 am - Permalink
April 19, 2017 at 09:37 am - Permalink