Does anybody have experience with using OpenCV in IgorPro 7?

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on automating an experimental setup which incorporates a microscope which has to search for cell clusters and then record their positions. The preliminary goal is to have a program which can detect cell clusters on its own and record their positions over many hours. However, I am interested in implementing advanced image recognition in order to detect different types of cells and track their interactions.

Is there anybody who has experience with this kind of work? Can it be done in Igor?

Scince I have a C++ background, I thought about using OpenCV (or an equivalent image recognition package) and interface it with Igor. Does anybody have experience with this?

Best regards,
A few years ago I used OpenCV to write an image acquisition XOP. The only part of OpenCV that I needed was the acquisition calls. At the time OpenCV was not as developed as it is today yet it was already fairly bloated.

Current OpenCV is probably a magnitude greater in size. There is no question that it supports some algorithms which are currently not supported in Igor. If you are comfortable with C++ there is no reason why you could not create a nice XOP that supports the subset of OpenCV that you are interested in. As suggested above, the XOP Toolkit is your starting point. For Igor Pro 7 you should should probably focus on one platform and 64-bit configuration. I also agree with the previous post that operations are going to be more flexible here than functions. If you start with a single simple case of the form:
[OperationName] [Flags] [input waves]
which result in some fixed name output wave you would be able to quickly duplicate the code to add support for a variety of OpenCV functions.
