Dewarping with Thin Plate Spline Algorithm ?


I know of ImageInterpolate Warp to correct images for spatial distortion using a grid of x-y displacement values.
Is there any chance to see Thin Plate Spline implemented in Igor 7 Future releases ?

Many thanks
I have no immediate plans to implement thin-plate spline (TPS) mostly because we have not had requests for it so far.

If I needed to be able to generate an effect similar to it I'd seriously consider converting the data to a triplet wave and applying the Voronoi interpolation which is superior to any spline that I have seen. Also note that unless you are applying some tricks, the straight LU decomposition in TPS is supposedly not better than O(N^2.37) while the Voronoi is basically O(N^2).

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Good to know

I was hoping to do something similar to :

Labaria, G. R., Warrick, A. L., Celliers, P. M. & Kalantar, D. H. A robust in-situ warp-correction algorithm for VISAR streak camera data at the National Ignition Facility. in (eds. Awwal, A. A. S. & Lane, M. A.) 9345, 93450Q (2015).
You might want to take a look at the image warping demo (File Menu->Example Experiments->Imaging).