In IP6, I was able to call up a table(edit/k=1), call the command "PauseForUser", and then copy and paste from Excel into the table, and then close the table and continue the rest of the commands. IP7 does not provide this feature; has this feature been removed?
I can't reproduce this using Igor Pro 7.01 on Macintosh.
To test, I executed the following function:
Function test() edit/K=1 PauseForUser$S_name dir
When PauseForUser is executed, I switched to Excel and copied some numerical data. I then pasted that data into the empty Igor table and clicked the red close button on the table. A new wave was created containing the pasted data.
If you're not using 7.01, try updating to the latest version (Help->Updates). If you can still reproduce the problem, please use the Help->Contact Support menu item in Igor 7 to generate an email with your system information and send that to support instead of posting to Igor Exchange. Please also include step by step instructions that we can follow to reproduce the problem, including any code and/or Igor experiments we need to reproduce the problem.
Sorry Aclight, I was not sure if it was a bug or a feature removal.
I have sent a bug report.
Here is the code if you want to try to reproduce the error. I am running Windows 10 and cannot copy anything into the table using IP7, but can using IP6.
Function Table_PauseUserUpdate() killwaves/Z wave0 Make/N=(0)/O/T wave0; Wave/T wave0 edit/k=1/N=Table1 wave0 Pauseforuser Table1 print"Cannot Copy into table!" end
It doesn't look like we got a bug report from you on this. It would be good if you could try again to reduce the chance that this gets forgotten over the holidays.
To test, I executed the following function:
PauseForUser $S_name
When PauseForUser is executed, I switched to Excel and copied some numerical data. I then pasted that data into the empty Igor table and clicked the red close button on the table. A new wave was created containing the pasted data.
If you're not using 7.01, try updating to the latest version (Help->Updates). If you can still reproduce the problem, please use the Help->Contact Support menu item in Igor 7 to generate an email with your system information and send that to support instead of posting to Igor Exchange. Please also include step by step instructions that we can follow to reproduce the problem, including any code and/or Igor experiments we need to reproduce the problem.
December 21, 2016 at 08:15 am - Permalink
I have sent a bug report.
Here is the code if you want to try to reproduce the error. I am running Windows 10 and cannot copy anything into the table using IP7, but can using IP6.
killwaves/Z wave0
Make/N=(0)/O/T wave0; Wave/T wave0
edit/k=1/N=Table1 wave0
Pauseforuser Table1
print "Cannot Copy into table!"
December 23, 2016 at 10:36 am - Permalink
December 23, 2016 at 01:51 pm - Permalink