Findlevel problem

Hi all,

I have a problem to understand how Findlevel command works
The manual says:
"FindLevel reports its results by setting these variables:
V_flag 0: level was found.
1: level was not found."
but also
"If level is not found FindLevel generates an error which puts up an error alert and halts execution of any command line or macro that is in progress."

In my understanding there is contradiction, when V_flag should be equal to 1 there should be also an error.
Put in a different way, when V_flag is 1 and is there not error?


The documentation is incomplete. It should say:
If level is not found, and if you omit the /Q flag, FindLevel generates an error which puts up an error alert and halts execution of any procedure that is in running.

I have made a note to fix this in the documentation.