Prevent /A='mywave' flag from adding 0 to Wave name


I finally figured out how to import multiple files and name the waves after the parsed filenames. So that makes me happy!

Unfortunately the /A flag for LoadWave keeps adding a '0' (i.e. 'mywave0').
This is not very useful because my file names end on numbers..

From the help menu:
"/A=baseName Same as /A but it automatically assigns wave names of the form baseName0, baseName1."

any ideas?


Thanks for your answer, I admit I had overlooked this part of the documentation. However, I am still struggeling getting the right result. The complication is that I would like to use a String variable "name" defined beforehand by ParseFilePath()

LoadWave/A=$name/D/J/K=0 path

...would give me the right wave names for all waves produced in the loop except for the addidional "0".

LoadWave/B="N='$name';"/D/J/K=0 path

...opens up a GUI window asking for wave names as if loaded manually.

How can this problem be solved?

Many thanks

String name = <something>
String columnInfoStr = ""
columnInfoStr += "N='" + name + "';"
LoadWave/B=columnInfoStr ...