Exporting single integer above columns of data.

I'm exporting data from igor to a text file for another program to grab. Unfortunately, that other program is... picky with how it wants the data. It wants the data in the following format.



Now, exporting the data in delimited columns is easy, however I'm not sure how to get the "NumItems" at the top of the list. Sure, I could do this in bash pretty quickly, but I'd like not to have to. I already have access to NumItems in the procedure, I just don't know how to export it to a file ahead of other columns.

My current code. Only works with my specific data, since it has 3 columns with "_0", "_1", and "_2" at the end of the wavenames.
Function EISExporter()
    String listWave, listWave1, listWave2, wList=tracenamelist("",";",1)
    Variable stringlength,i,numItems = ItemsInList(wList)
//  print wList
        listWave = stringfromlist(i,wList,";")
        stringlength = strlen(listWave) - 3
        listWave = listWave[1,stringlength] + "0"
        listWave1 = listWave[0,stringlength-1] + "1"
        listWave2 = listWave[0,stringlength-1] + "2"
//      print listWave + " " + listWave1 + " " + listWave2 + ":"
//      print "!!" + listWave + "!!"
        wave w0 = $listWave
        wave w1 = $listWave1
        wave w2 = $listWave2
        Save/J/M="\r\n"/I w2,w1,w0 as listWave[0,stringlength-2]+".txt"
[quote=hrodstein]You can use Open, fprintf, and Close to write the header lines. Then use Save/A to append the data to the file.

This is not what you need but might be a good starting point: http://www.igorexchange.com/node/2397[/quote]

Thanks! I THINK I can get away with using tab delimited, if not I may download the igor 7 beta. :) (Makes me really surprised that igor currently CAN'T export CSV format.) Actually, I may just create a wave of commas and export it between the other waves if spaces are ignored by the other program.

I was just reading up on SaveData, trying to save an individual variable the appending with save/A. I think your way may work better.

Heck, if I have the file open for writing, why don't I just export the data, line by line as CSV? It'll take marginally longer (each file only has ~60 rows) but I'll get pretty CSVs out of it. That's probably what the above link did...

Screw it. It's easier in bash. 5 line script, even programming non-ideally.
In addition to the methods mentioned, you could do one of these ...

Option 1
* Add an additional point at the start of each wave.
* In the first wave, set the point to the number of points.
* In all other waves, set the value of the first point to NaN
* Export/Save the waves.

Option 2
* Write the header + waves to a text string or notebook
* Save the text string or notebook

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH