Molar weight calculator

//EDIT: 2/23/16; optimised function "ElementCount" // The function molwt(str) returns the molar weight of a chemical formula specified by "str", e.g. molwt("H2O") returns 18.0148 (in grams per mole). // The function is case-sensitive, e.g. molwt("h2o") will not return what you expect. // The function ElementCount(input) returns a list of elements and their abundance, e.g. ElementCount("H2O") returns "H;2;O;1;" // The element abundance in the input string MUST be a positive integer function molwt(str) string str variable mw variable AN variable weight variable n variable i string List = ElementCount(str) string Element ="" //initialise elements and atomic weights: list index equals atomic number string el="" el += ";H;He;Li;Be;B;C;N;O;F;Ne;Na;Mg;Al;Si;P;S;Cl;Ar;" el += "K;Ca;Sc;Ti;V;Cr;Mn;Fe;Co;Ni;Cu;Zn;Ga;Ge;As;Se;Br;Kr;" el += "Rb;Sr;Y;Zr;Nb;Mo;Tc;Ru;Rh;Pd;Ag;Cd;In;Sn;Sb;Te;I;Xe;" el += "Cs;Ba;La;Ce;Pr;Nd;Pm;Sm;Eu;Gd;Tb;Dy;Ho;Er;Tm;Yb;Lu;" el += "Hf;Ta;W;Re;Os;Ir;Pt;Au;Hg;Tl;Pb;Bi;Po;At;Rn;" el += "Fr;Ra;Ac;Th;Pa;U;Np;Pu;" string aw="" aw+=";1.0079;4.0026;6.941;9.0122;10.811;12.011;14.007;15.999;18.998;20.18;22.99;24.305;26.982;28.085;30.974;32.065;35.453;39.948;" aw+="39.098;40.078;44.956;47.867;50.941;51.996;54.938;55.845;58.933;58.693;63.546;65.409;69.723;72.64;74.922;78.96;79.904;83.798;" aw+="85.468;87.62;88.906;91.224;92.906;95.94;98.906;101.07;102.91;106.42;107.87;112.41;114.82;118.71;121.76;127.6;126.9;131.29;" aw+="132.91;137.33;138.91;140.12;140.91;144.24;146.92;150.36;151.96;157.25;158.93;162.5;164.93;167.26;168.93;173.04;174.97;" aw+="178.49;180.95;183.84;186.21;190.23;192.22;195.08;196.97;200.59;204.38;207.2;208.98;208.98;209.99;222.02;223.02;" aw+="226.03;227.03;232.04;231.04;238.03;237.05;244.06;" do Element = StringFromList(i, List) if ( strlen(Element) == 0) break endif AN = WhichListItem(Element, el) weight = str2num(StringFromList(AN, aw)) n = str2num(StringFromList(i+1, List)) mw += (n * weight) i+=2 while(1) return mw end function/S ElementCount(input) // analyses input string for elements and number of elements String input string list = "" variable i variable TheEnd = StrLen(input) for(i=0;i<TheEnd; i+=1) // consider cases where string item is a letter and upper case if (GrepString( input[i], "[[:alpha:]]") && GrepString(input[i], "[[:upper:]]") ) list += input[i] // is it a two character element, e.g. Fe instead of F? if (GrepString(input[i+1], "[[:alpha:]]") && GrepString(input[i+1], "[[:lower:]]") ) list += input[i+1] i+=1 endif //this element is covered list +=";" // test if next list item is numeric or string; if it is string, then the present element has a count of 1, add this to list .... // ...or check if i+1 is the last entry if (GrepString(input[i+1], "[[:alpha:]]") || i+1 == TheEnd) list += "1;" endif // we are done continue endif // consider cases where string item is a number if (GrepString(input[i], "[[:digit:]]") ) list +=input[i] // is there more than one numeric character? do if (GrepString(input[i+1] "[[:digit:]]")) list += input[i+1] i+=1 else break endif while(1) List +=";" endif endfor return list end



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I have one of these too. Not tested for typos etc, so caveat emptor!
Edit: I removed the code and added a link to the molar mass calculator project below.
June 22, 2016 at 09:19 am - Permalink
Building on ChrLie's and Tony's code, I slightly enhanced the ElementCount function to deal with non-integer Stoichiometry and only parse actual element names
October 25, 2021 at 06:19 pm - Permalink
My version was later released as a project, here. I believe it deals with both non-integer values and parentheses properly, and only accepts valid elements.
October 26, 2021 at 12:24 am - Permalink
In reply to My version was later… by tony
Thanks Tony, indeed your molWt function works very nicely. However here i was interested in extracting the chemical composition...
October 26, 2021 at 06:51 am - Permalink
I see. You might consider using a key list, then you can use NumberByKey to get the element count.
Execute DisplayHelpTopic "NumberByKey" for more info.
October 26, 2021 at 10:01 am - Permalink