Color Plot

Hi all,

I'm trying to get a color plot from some data. It should end up looking something like this:

So far, this is the best I've been able to do:

The one that looks like a color plot is actually just the top view of my XYZtomatrix 3D Gizmo plot. I'm having a rough time simplifying this. A 2D color plot like the first link I posted would be great, but I'd also be happy using the top view approach as long as I could get the labeling correct. Adding the color scale seemed to mess up the numbers I had on my x axis, and I also can't seem to get the axis labels to go where I want them.

The tutorial vids and the IGOR manual haven't helped me on this one, so any help I can get is appreciated. Thank you!
Windows->New->New Image Plot. Then right-click, choose Modify Image Appearance and choose the Rainbow256 color table.

Here are a couple of commands that will illustrate this:
make/n=(1000,1000) junk=sin(x/100)*cos(y/100);newimage junk
ModifyImage junk ctab= {*,*,Rainbow256,0}

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.