ImageSave does not work on network drive any longer

I have been using ImageSave for years working with network drives. It does not work any longer. I have to store on my C: drive and copy manually.
Other saving command like e.g. Save still work properly on network drives.
I am using Igor with the latest Quicktime 7.7.9 on 64 bit Win7. The problem startet maybe one or two weeks ago.
I have no clue, what it might have caused. It could have been a Quicktime or Windows update. I first thought, it might have something to do with the company network structure, but then Save should not work either.
Any ideas or similar cases?
Many thanks,
I'm not sure, but I believe that when you save certain kinds of images on Windows, it is QuickTime that is doing the saving. So if there is an issue between QuickTime and your network drive then this would not affect the Save operation.
You might try restarting your machine. We have seen many cases where this fixed strange problems.
If that does not work, try re-installing QuickTime.
If that does not work, you need to provide more information.
What is the exact command that you are executing?
Exactly what does "It does not work any longer" mean?
March 12, 2016 at 04:13 am - Permalink
Many thanks. I have tried on on two different machines and I have already installed all available updates and tried several reboots. It did not help.
Let me give you an example
Make/O/U/B/N=(256,256,3) Img = x+y ImageSave/O/T="PNG" Img as "Y:NewTechnology:Img.png"
Igor replies the file or folder could not be found. If I select the network path manually like e.g.
ImageSave/O/T="PNG" Img
the result is exactly the same.
Best regards,
March 12, 2016 at 08:46 am - Permalink
I am not the graphics expert, but my understanding is that raw PNG is better than PNG.
With PNG (/T="PNG"), Igor6 calls QuickTime. I believe that QuickTime requires a bitmap, so Igor6 creates an offscreen bitmap and passes it to QuickTime, along with the full native path to the file. QuickTime then does the write.
With raw PNG (/T="rPNG"), Igor saves the wave data directly without using an offscreen bitmap and without calling QuickTime. Raw PNG works only with 8 bit and 16 bit unsigned data.
Here is how you would test with raw PNG. This is the same as your example except for /T="rPNG" instead of /T="PNG":
I have looked at the code for ImageSave and it is the same up to the point where it decides whether to call QuickTime or not.
If saving as raw PNG works but saving as PNG does not, then I would suspect the QuickTime is returning the error.
Also, if you uninstall QuickTime and saving as PNG still gives the "file or folder not found" error, then the error is occurring in Igor. If it gives you "QuickTime not present", then the "file or folder not found" error that you got before uninstalling QuickTime was from QuickTime.
March 12, 2016 at 11:50 am - Permalink
many thanks!
ImageSave/T="rPNG" Img
works whileImageSave/T="PNG" Img
still causes error messages.Problem successfully resolved!
Best regards,
March 15, 2016 at 01:26 am - Permalink