ShowInfo: modify procedure to display a triplet of points (ABC) instead of a pair (AB)
I would like to select a triplet of points (ABC) in an image to then compute and apply an Affine transformation that makes A new origin and the two vectors AB, AC the base vectors for the position in the image.
I looked through the documentation and it seems that
only displays a pair of cursors each time: AB, then CD, etc.While this can still work I was wondering if I could duplicate the ShowInfo procedure and modify it in a simple manner to display triplets of cursors (ABC).
In Igor 6, it is possible to display in the info window only one cursor pair at a time. However, in Igor 7 (currently in beta), it is possible to display multiple cursor pairs at the same time (see attached image).
You can sign up to be a beta tester for Igor 7 at http://www.igorpro.net/beta-signup/. It only requires that you have a valid Igor 6 English license.
February 11, 2016 at 05:50 am - Permalink
display test
cursor a test 21
cursor b test 42
cursor c test 84
February 11, 2016 at 02:24 pm - Permalink
Manually initiating the placement of the cursors might be a solution, but in the end it's just as simple to have my procedure switch cursor pairs in the ShowInfo panel. I should give the beta a spin though.
February 15, 2016 at 05:04 am - Permalink