beginner's question on debug


I have not worked in Igor for some time, and I have forgotten some things.
How to stop the execution of the code - not by setting the breakpoint, but by adding a line like "wait", "input", "pause", "Press any key" - something like this? I remember that I was doing it before.

Could you, please, recommend me a command which will stop the execution and waits until I press a button?

Also, I'm now getting a long list of info from the command Loadwave, like
Delimited text load from "X383"
Data length: 1199, waves: A, Vol, VolSD

How can I make the command not to write to the command window?

Thank you very much in advance!
Maybe you want to have a look at the DoAlert statement. That should wait for the user to press a button.

LoadWave can be silenced via the /Q flag (see the help file).

Thank you very much!

That will do.
Though I certainly did it differently.

HJDrescher wrote:
Maybe you want to have a look at the DoAlert statement. That should wait for the user to press a button.

LoadWave can be silenced via the /Q flag (see the help file).


Could also work with the simple input dialogue mechanism using Prompt and DoPrompt in case you want to read user data...