Implementation of Spherical harmonics function in Igor

Question intended to the developers.

I am wondering about the input parameters 'q' and 'f' in the igor function sphericalHarmonics(L, M, q, f).
(The reference did not help me.)

Also for the associated Legendre polynomial : Pn m(x) ; the function available is legendreA(n, m, x) . What is x in this. I expected 'x' be a function which is cos(theta) usually. (x= value of cos(theta) here I think.) Please clarify.

Thank you.
I'm not a developer - but:
The reference clearly states the usage of these variables:
displayhelptopic "sphericalHarmonics"

Maybe you want to have a look at
in general and especially at the section
for further explanation.

x in the Legendre polynom is 'just' a variable with abs(x)<=1 (and could of course be the result of cos(theta) )
This might help for further explanation:

Maybe a more precise specification of "wondering about" might help to improve my answer.