Loading netCDF files
I am trying to load netcdf files from a folder by using the code below. I want to load them one by one as I want to derive different results from each one. I use a string to add the filename at the end of the loadnc string. Then I execute loadnc to load the file:
variable m
newpath/O NC_Path, "C:Data:RadarData:camra21jan09:UniServer:"
string filenames=IndexedFile(NC_Path,-1,".nc")
variable num_of_files=itemsinlist(filenames)
For (m=0;m<num_of_files;m+=1)
string file_to_proc_name =stringfromlist(m, filenames)
string loadnc="Load_NetCDF /P=NC_Path " + file_to_proc_name
execute loadnc
newpath/O NC_Path, "C:Data:RadarData:camra21jan09:UniServer:"
string filenames=IndexedFile(NC_Path,-1,".nc")
variable num_of_files=itemsinlist(filenames)
For (m=0;m<num_of_files;m+=1)
string file_to_proc_name =stringfromlist(m, filenames)
string loadnc="Load_NetCDF /P=NC_Path " + file_to_proc_name
execute loadnc
If I write
Load_NetCDF /P=NC_Path file_to_proc_name
in the command window it makes it, but when I use the execute command in the code I get an error.
Could anyone help?
"An error" is too vague.
October 14, 2015 at 06:26 am - Permalink
I think the problem in your case is missing quotation marks. I also think your variable/string declarations were done from the command window which makes them global, otherwise the string file_to_proc_name would not be found from the working command you gave.
Here are some functions to illustrate some of the various ways of constructing a Load command. The LoadTest4() example is similar to your problem. I assume these translate to Load_NetCDF.
Note: this makes a file in your 'My Documents' folder. You will want to delete this once you have finished playing - the function CleanUp() will do this.
// makes a file with some data
// make a new path
string sMyPath
sMyPath =SpecialDirPath("Documents", 0, 0, 0)
NewPath/Q/O MyPath SpecialDirPath("Documents", 0, 0, 0)
// make some data
Make/O/D/N=(10) wData
wData[] = enoise(10)
// make a global with the filename
string/G gsFileName = "MyTestWaveData.ibw"
// save data
Save/O/P=MyPath wData as gsFileName
// remove the data
KillWaves wData
Function LoadTest1() // this works
SVAR gsFileName
LoadWave/P=MyPath gsFileName
Function LoadTest2() // this works
SVAR gsFileName
PathInfo MyPath
LoadWave S_path + gsFileName
Function LoadTest3() // this works
SVAR gsFileName
string sCmd
sCmd = "LoadWave/P=MyPath \"" + gsFileName + "\""
Execute sCmd
Function LoadTest4() // this function fails
SVAR gsFileName
string sCmd
sCmd = "LoadWave/P=MyPath " + gsFileName
Execute sCmd
Function CleanUp()
// remove file and path
SVAR gsFileName
DeleteFile/P=MyPath gsFileName
KillWaves/Z wData
KillPath MyPath
You will need to Kill the wave wData between running each LoadTest function.
Hope this helps
October 14, 2015 at 06:49 am - Permalink
Your suggestions worked for me...!!!
October 14, 2015 at 08:40 am - Permalink