Help needed in construction of subpanels
I'm trying to construct a panel layout that nicely scales as the window is resized.
I've attached an image of what I currently have from hacking away at the CWT demo, and a layout of what I think I want.
I've written up this code so far, but the placement of the panels in which I want to place the plots doesn't seem to work; no notice seems to be being taken of my frameguides.
What am I doing wrong?
Function BuildTestPanel()
//parent panel
DoWindow/F TestPanel
return 0
NewPanel /K=1 /W=(6,44,600,800) as "Test Panel"
DoWindow/C TestPanel
SetDrawLayer UserBack
//panel to hold controls
DefineGuide cpL={FL,5},cpR={FR,-5},cpB={FB,-5},cpT={cpB,-200}
NewPanel /FG=(cpL,cpT,cpR,cpB) /N=controls /HOST=TestPanel
DrawText 10,25,"Controls go here:"
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
//panel to holds graphs
DefineGuide grL={cpL,0},grR={cpR,0},grB={cpT,-5},grT={FT,-5}
NewPanel /FG=(grL,grT,grR,grB) /N=graphs /HOST=TestPanel
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
//panel to hold XRD plot
DefineGuide xrdL={FL,5},xrdR={FR,-5},xrdT={FT,-5},xrdB={xrdT,-50}
NewPanel /FG=(xrdL,xrdT,xrdR,xrdB) /N=xrdplot /HOST=TestPanel#graphs
DrawText 10,25,"Diffraction pattern"
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
//panel to hold CWT plot
DefineGuide cwtL={FL,5},cwtR={FR,-5},cwtB={FB,-5},cwtT={cwtB,-50}
NewPanel /FG=(cwtL,cwtT,cwtR,cwtB) /N=cwtplot /HOST=TestPanel#graphs
DrawText 10,25,"Wavelet transform"
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
Function BuildTestPanel()
//parent panel
DoWindow/F TestPanel
return 0
NewPanel /K=1 /W=(6,44,600,800) as "Test Panel"
DoWindow/C TestPanel
SetDrawLayer UserBack
//panel to hold controls
DefineGuide cpL={FL,5},cpR={FR,-5},cpB={FB,-5},cpT={cpB,-200}
NewPanel /FG=(cpL,cpT,cpR,cpB) /N=controls /HOST=TestPanel
DrawText 10,25,"Controls go here:"
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
//panel to holds graphs
DefineGuide grL={cpL,0},grR={cpR,0},grB={cpT,-5},grT={FT,-5}
NewPanel /FG=(grL,grT,grR,grB) /N=graphs /HOST=TestPanel
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
//panel to hold XRD plot
DefineGuide xrdL={FL,5},xrdR={FR,-5},xrdT={FT,-5},xrdB={xrdT,-50}
NewPanel /FG=(xrdL,xrdT,xrdR,xrdB) /N=xrdplot /HOST=TestPanel#graphs
DrawText 10,25,"Diffraction pattern"
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
//panel to hold CWT plot
DefineGuide cwtL={FL,5},cwtR={FR,-5},cwtB={FB,-5},cwtT={cwtB,-50}
NewPanel /FG=(cwtL,cwtT,cwtR,cwtB) /N=cwtplot /HOST=TestPanel#graphs
DrawText 10,25,"Wavelet transform"
SetActiveSubwindow TestPanel
The parent panel is 600x800
Any resizing of the width of the parent panel must result in the same change in all subpanels
Any resizing of height is specified below.
The bottom blue panel is 100% wide* and a fixed 200 pixels high. I've fixed it to the bottom of the parent panel. This is where I'm going to put all of my controls
The top blue panel is 100% wide, and the bottom of this panel is fixed to the top of the bottom blue panel. The top blue panel will change height, with the bottom blue panel remaining 200 pixels upon any resizing vertically
The two green panels are 100% wide and 50% high.
The red outlines in the green panels represent the plots.
The plots are 100% wide, and ~30 pixels less than the panel height, to allow for panel text.
* with 5 pixel setback all around
I was focussed on the wrong panels.
This is what I've got:
NVAR startScale =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:startScale
NVAR endScale =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:endScale
NVAR noise =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:cwtNoise
NVAR ridgeLength =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:ridgeLength
NVAR ridgeSum =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:ridgeSum
NVAR delta =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:delta
NVAR cwtColour =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:cwtColour
NVAR xAxisMin =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:xAxisMin
NVAR xAxisMax =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:xAxisMax
NVAR xrdYAxisMin =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:xrdYAxisMin
NVAR xrdYAxisMax =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:xrdYAxisMax
NVAR cwtYAxisMin =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:cwtYAxisMin
NVAR cwtYAxisMax =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:cwtYAxisMax
NVAR initial_xAxisMin =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:initial_xAxisMin
NVAR initial_xAxisMax =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:initial_xAxisMax
NVAR initial_xrdYAxisMin =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:initial_xrdYAxisMin
NVAR initial_xrdYAxisMax =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:initial_xrdYAxisMax
NVAR initial_cwtYAxisMin =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:initial_cwtYAxisMin
NVAR initial_cwtYAxisMax =root:Packages:PeakPanelFolder:initial_cwtYAxisMax
//parent panel
DoWindow/F PeakPanel
return 0
NewPanel /K=1 /W=(6,44,880,800) as "Peak Search"
DoWindow/C PeakPanel
SetDrawLayer UserBack
//panel to hold controls
SetActiveSubwindow PeakPanel
DefineGuide cpL={FL,5},cpR={FR,-5},cpB={FB,-5},cpT={cpB,-170}
NewPanel /FG=(cpL,cpT,cpR,cpB) /N=controls /HOST=PeakPanel
//panel to holds graphs
SetActiveSubwindow PeakPanel
DefineGuide grL={cpL,0},grR={cpR,0},grB={cpT,-5},grT={FT,-5}
NewPanel /FG=(grL,grT,grR,grB) /N=graphs /HOST=PeakPanel
//panel to hold XRD plot
SetActiveSubwindow PeakPanel#graphs
DefineGuide xrdL={FL,5},xrdR={FR,-5},xrdT={FT,-5},xrdB={FT,0.5,FB}
NewPanel /FG=(xrdL,xrdT,xrdR,xrdB) /N=xrdPanel /HOST=PeakPanel#graphs
DrawText 10,25,"Diffraction pattern"
//panel to hold CWT plot
SetActiveSubwindow PeakPanel#graphs
DefineGuide cwtL={FL,5},cwtR={FR,-5},cwtB={FB,-5},cwtT={FT,0.5,FB}
NewPanel /FG=(cwtL,cwtT,cwtR,cwtB) /N=cwtPanel /HOST=PeakPanel#graphs
DrawText 10,25,"Wavelet transform"
//let'a make the plots!
//XRD plot
SetActiveSubwindow PeakPanel#graphs#xrdPanel
DefineGuide plotL={FL,10},plotR={FR,-10},plotT={FT,30},plotB={FB,-10}
Display /FG=(plotL,plotT,plotR,plotB) /N=xrdPlot /HOST=PeakPanel#graphs#xrdPanel xrd
AppendToGraph w_peakPositionIntensities vs w_peakPositions
ModifyGraph mode(w_peakPositionIntensities)=8
ModifyGraph marker(w_peakPositionIntensities)=22
ModifyGraph toMode(w_peakPositionIntensities)=1
ModifyGraph rgb(w_peakPositionIntensities)=(0,0,0)
Label left "Intensity"
Label bottom "Channel number"
GetAxis /Q bottom
xAxisMin = V_min
xAxisMax = V_max
initial_xAxisMin = V_min
initial_xAxisMax = V_max
GetAxis /Q left
xrdYAxisMin = V_min
xrdYAxisMax = V_max
initial_xrdYAxisMin = V_min
initial_xrdYAxisMax = V_max
//CWT plot
SetActiveSubwindow PeakPanel#graphs#cwtPanel
DefineGuide plotL={FL,10},plotR={FR,-10},plotT={FT,30},plotB={FB,-10}
Display /FG=(plotL,plotT,plotR,plotB) /N=cwtPlot /HOST=PeakPanel#graphs#cwtPanel
AppendImage M_CWT vs {*,scalingWaveDisplay}
ModifyImage M_CWT ctab= {-cwtColour,cwtColour,RedWhiteBlue,0}
AppendImage w_peaks vs {*,scalingWaveDisplay}
Label left "Scale"
Label bottom "Channel number"
ModifyGraph mirror=2
GetAxis /Q left
cwtYAxisMin = V_min
cwtYAxisMax = V_max
initial_cwtYAxisMin = V_min
initial_cwtYAxisMax = V_max
//and then a whole bunch of control inputs
September 3, 2015 at 01:48 am - Permalink
September 3, 2015 at 01:57 am - Permalink
In case you don't already know, there's a package that ships with Igor that can be used to handle the resizing and repositioning of controls for you. It might be easier to use this package instead of doing the resizing yourself.
September 3, 2015 at 05:33 am - Permalink
I'll have a read in my copious spare time!
Sounds like it should help a fair bit in the next stage of the process. I'll probably have a look at your tab control thing too.
September 3, 2015 at 06:41 am - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
September 3, 2015 at 10:26 am - Permalink
I didn't delete my post as I thought it might help someone else. I also got to learn about the resize commands; just about to read up on them now.
September 3, 2015 at 05:16 pm - Permalink