Is it possible to hide and show a panel ?


I have a panel included in a window (Main#FitPanel)
I created it with


Inside this panel I put several buttons and displays.

I want to be able to hide and show this panel regarding the state of other options (checkboxes) located in another place of the main window.
Basically, when I select the first checkbox, I want to show the panel and when I select the second checkbox, I want the panel to be hidden.
And the panel should be inside the main window.

I tryed with

 Dowindow/Hide=1/W=Main#FitPanel FitPanel  

and with several other syntaxes but it doesn't work....

 modifypanel allow the user to change only the size .. but not the state of display of the panel.

Is there an option somewhere ??

thank you in advance :)
Thank you very much !!!!!

I didn't find this function as it's not very well indicated in the help .. (no direct link from newpanel for exemple ...)

I found just :

Subwindow Syntax
Controls and Control Panels

but I didn't find the  setwindow one ...
You cite a problem that we have struggled with for years... How do we make it easy for a user to find the particular command/function they need? If we put a link to every command and function that you might need while writing code that manipulates control panels, it would be a pretty big See Also section!

However, in this case, you might benefit from the Command Help tab of the Help Browser (Help->Command Help). At the top left of the Command Help tab are three checkboxes and menus that you can use to filter the list of commands and functions. If you select just Operations and All Windows you will get a relatively short list that includes both GetWindow and SetWindow.

Twenty-five years ago, when I was a Geophysicist doing real research, I used to put myself to sleep at night browsing through the Igor manuals :)

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.