Missing wave, skip it with AbortOnRTE and try-catch

I need to load a lots of waves from several experiments but unfortunately some of them are missing. Usually, when I load the wave, I manually click on "skip this wave" when the Missing wave File window appears, but I want to have a function that do it automatically without modifying my loadwave function.

Execute "LoadAllWave.upx"
// And in LoadAllWave.upx I have the following code:
 LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_TestRheo_ch2_4008.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_TestRheo_ch3_4008.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_TestRheo_ch2_4009.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_TestRheo_ch3_4009.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_TestRheo_ch2_4010.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_TestRheo_ch3_4010.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_SponHold30_ch2_4011.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_SponHold30_ch3_4011.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch2_4012.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch3_4012.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch2_4013.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch3_4013.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch2_4014.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch3_4014.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch2_4015.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch3_4015.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch2_4016.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch3_4016.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch2_4017.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA121_IV_ch3_4017.ibw"
// I was thinking about something like:
Function CN_trycatchwithExp()
    string pathforExp = "D:\002_DACoding\LoadAllWave.upx", cmd
    sprintf cmd "Execute/P \"LOADFILE %s\"", pathforExp
        Execute cmd; AbortOnRTE
        if (V_AbortCode == -4)
            Print "Error"
            Variable CFerror = GetRTError(1)    // 1 to clear the error
            Print GetErrMessage(CFerror)
//But of course it doesn't change anything... 
//Thank a lot if you know how to do it or if you have a clue
Try another command to see if the file exists before running LoadFile. The Open command (with /Z flag) will set the variable V_flag to indicate success or failure without reporting an error. Open the file for read only; be sure to close the file when finished.

There may be other commands to do this more efficiently, but this is a start.
You can use IndexedFile(pathName, -1, "*.ibw") to return a list of all .ibw files. Then just loop through each filename in the list and load it in.
jtigor wrote:
Try another command to see if the file exists before running LoadFile. The Open command (with /Z flag) will set the variable V_flag to indicate success or failure without reporting an error. Open the file for read only; be sure to close the file when finished.

There may be other commands to do this more efficiently, but this is a start.

Thank you for the replies. I tried with sprintf cmd "Execute/P/Z \"LOADFILE %s\"", fullFilePath but the result is the same. I know that it should be linked to Loadwave/Z but I can't really access this command. Can I set the V_flag in order that it says the same during all the process?
The problem is that my file "LoadAllWave.upx" is a bit more complicated than what I put on my previous post.
All the wave are in different folders and need to be organized in the same way within the experiment. This is why I directly use the unpacked experiment file. So I don't want to change it but I want to do it before/during the execution of my .upx file.

It is more like:
NewPath/Z p "C:"
NewPath/Z Stimuli "C:PulseQ:config:Olivier:Stimuli:"
NewPath/Z DataSet_OSRMReCode "::::"
NewPath/Z ASSProject "C:PulseQ:config:ASSProject:"
NewPath/Z PQStimulus "C:Program Files (x86):WaveMetrics:Igor Pro Folder:"
NewPath/Z X001_150410A02_OH "::"
NewPath/Z DefaultOpenProtStim "::::"
NewPath pathLoad "D:002_DACoding:001_150410A02_OH:001_150410A2MMP16SNcDA_OH:"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_APWaveform_ch2_1053.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_APWaveform_ch2_1054.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_APWaveform_ch2_1055.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_APWaveform_ch2_1056.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_APWaveform_ch2_1057.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_APWaveform_ch2_1058.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_APWaveform_ch2_2028.ibw"
C /P=home "DA117_TestSpikeRec_ch3_4132.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_WhiteNoise_ch2_4173.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "DA117_WhiteNoise_ch3_4173.ibw"
NewDataFolder/S Packages
NewPath home ":001_150410A2MMP16SNcDA_OH:Packages:"
NewDataFolder/S Control
NewPath home ":001_150410A2MMP16SNcDA_OH:Packages:Control:"
LoadWave/C /P=home "gbox.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "gpos.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "prop.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "fonts.ibw"
NewDataFolder/S ListBox
NewPath home ":001_150410A2MMP16SNcDA_OH:Packages:Control:ListBox:"
SetDataFolder ::
SetDataFolder ::
NewDataFolder/S PulseQ
NewPath home ":001_150410A2MMP16SNcDA_OH:Packages:PulseQ:"
NewDataFolder/S Protocol
NewPath home ":001_150410A2MMP16SNcDA_OH:Packages:PulseQ:Protocol:"
LoadWave/C /P=home "type.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "chan.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "gain.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "offset.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "col.ibw"
LoadWave/C /P=home "ptr.ibw"
 <pre><code class="language-igor"> 
I am thinking about a function that will open the upx file without running it and look at all the wave to check if there exist, is it a command to open such file and put each line in a different string? Thank you
I was thinking of something like the following example code:

Function TestLoad(sPath, sFileName)
//Call this function before the loadwave operation to determine if the file exists
//returns 0 for file not found and 1 for file found
    String sPath        //name of symbolic path
    String sFileName    //file to open,  for example: "junk.ibw"
    Variable n_refnum
    Variable RtnVal = 0 //default for file not opened
    Open/R/Z/P=$sPath n_refnum as sFileName
    if( V_flag == 0 )   //file  opened
        Close n_refnum
        RtnVal = 1  //success
    return RtnVal

The Open operation can be used to determine if a file exists at the specified path location. Your code indicates that you know the location and names of files you want to open. Just feed those values to this function to determine if they exist.

I did test this function and it did work in my limited testing.

There may be far better ways to accomplish your goal. This is the first that came to my mind. You could take KurtB's advice and get a list of all ".ibw" files in the directory of interest. If this list might contain some files you're not interested in loading, then you could compare the list of files you want to load against the indexedfile list before attempting to load them.

Without looking in detail at your problem, a couple of comments:

1) You are using Execute to run a command containing Execute/P. I don't think you need Execute at all, much less two layers of Execute. Just put the file name into a string variable and pass that to LoadWave instead of the quoted string. As a really simple example that doesn't involve computation of the file name:
    String fname = "DA121_TestRheo_ch2_4008.ibw"
    LoadWave/C/P=home fname

That is equivalent to your first LoadWave command above.

2) I don't know off the top of my head if try-catch works with Execute. I suppose it would. But what I can definitely tell you is that Execute/P will make the try-catch not work at all. Execute/P means "Execute later when my function isn't running", and that means that the error occurs at a time when the try-catch has been done and is no longer running. All the try-catch tells you is that the Execute command that invokes Execute/P worked- it put the Execute/P command into the operation queue for later execution.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thank you for your comments, the fact I want to run multiple experiment this is why I put them in a operation queue, with that I can start my code with hundred experiments, let it run overnight at see the result the next day.
I use two layers of Execute simply because the code of my batch function comes from the code provided in Igor:
Choose: File->Example Experiments->Programming->Multi-Experiment Process.
However, I don't really see the advantage of such construction but it doesn't come from me. But I will try to put in the queue a complete function that do execute within a try-catch function, maybe I will be able to catch the error like this.

This example code is probably a nice solution to avoid the mistake, so thank you very much for it. My first idea was to ignore the missing waves and still execute my experiment but maybe the best solution is to check within the .uxp file what he will load before running it. With that I can skip the whole experiment for my batch script and then delete the line that want to load missing waves by hand. I notice that if I load the experiment and skip the missing wave, then save the experiment, the command line that want to load them disappears, so it is a waist of time but maybe the best solution to debug my experiment before running my batch script on them.

Ah- if you are trying to run something on a sequence of experiment files, opening a file, running an analysis and then moving on to another experiment file, it does indeed require the operation queue. But whether it is justified or not, invoking Execute/P with your Execute command guarantees that you won't catch the error, because the error will come only when the command runs and Execute/P guarantees that it won't happen while your try-catch is executing.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Ok, thanks a lot for the reply, I guess that it will be better to do it by hand and save the uxp file when it's done with the correction.
