Category plot

Hello, I am new to this forum, hope this is posted to the right place.

I am likely missing something very basic here, but I am having trouble creating a category plot. I have a numerical wave (55pts) and created a text wave containing "YES" or "NO" for each of the 55 datapoints. When I try to create a new category plot, I am getting 55 bars (i.e. Igor is not separating the data by the two categories). See attached picture. I should be able to have Igor plot the data stacked on top of each other, having only 2 categories on the X-axis, right?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This is a particularly difficult plot and one that I do not recall encountering before.

I was about to suggest a method but then decided I do not fully understand what you mean by "data stacked on top of each other."

Do you mean just plotting as symbols at one of two x locations or do you mean you need to add up previous values?

Do you want markers as you show there or do you need bars?

Here is what I was playing with:
// first make sample data
make/N=55 ydata= enoise(1)
make/N=55/T tdata= SelectString(enoise(10)&1,"yes","no")
// now create a graph with two x locations
Make/N=55 catData= CmpStr("no",tdata[p]) == 0
make/N=2 fakey= nan
make/T fakex={"yes","no"}
display fakey vs fakex
append/T ydata vs catData
ModifyGraph mode(ydata)=3,marker(ydata)=8
SetAxis top -0.5,1.5
ModifyGraph nticks(top)=0,axThick(top)=0