Acquisition procedure

Hi, i've wrote this procedure, but I don't understand what is wrong!!! please help me!

function master(experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution,savepath)
    variable experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution
    string savepath
    variable psdflag=1 // first time, make the periodogram
    NewPath/O Path1,savepath//defines where to save the file
        // rate= sampling rate for data acquiring, like 40000 Hz
    // savedrate= rate for high time-resolution data recording, like 200 Hz
    // plotresolution= interval between each point on strip graph
    // recordingtime= interval for saving on disk, like 10s or 30s
    // experimenttime= global experiment time, after which acquisition stops, like 3600 s (break stops before and saves)
    string timenow=date()+" "+time() // date and time now
    string filename
    variable t0 = stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6 // consults the microseconds timer, from the moment of PC startup
    variable t1=0, dt1=0, dt2=0 // time init
    if (plotresolution<duration)
        plotresolution=duration // cannot update faster than acquire
    make/O/N=0 timestrip //store the time
    make/O/N=0 deflstrip  //where to store the deflection every plotresolution>duration
    make /O/N=0 variancestrip //where to store the variance every plotresolution>duration
    setscale/P x, t1, (plotresolution), "s", timestrip, deflstrip, variancestrip 
    setscale/P y, 0,1,"V" deflstrip, variancestrip 
    setscale/P y,0,1,"s",timestrip
    display/W=(1,1,800,150) deflstrip vs timestrip
    AppendToGraph/L=L2 variancestrip vs timestrip
    ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0,0.45}
    ModifyGraph axisEnab(L2)={0.55,1}
    ModifyGraph freePos(L2)=0
    ModifyGraph lblPosMode(L2)=2
    ModifyGraph rgb(deflstrip)=(0,0,0)
    make /O/N=0 storeaverage, storevariance, storetime, waveaverage, wavevariance, wavetime 
    display/W=(8, 310, 400,550) storeaverage vs storetime
    variable acq_cycle=0 // counter for acquisition cycle
    do //big loop for acquisition and plot
       t1=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0 // evaluate the experimental time
       //print "t1=",t1
       waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag) // DATA ACQUISITION
        dt1+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for plotting
       dt2+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for saving
       insertpoints numpnts(storeaverage), numpnts(waveaverage), storeaverage // extends storeaverage
           &&linewrap numpnts(storeaverage)-1]=waveaverage[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] 
       insertpoints numpnts(storevariance), numpnts(wavevariance), storevariance // extends storevariance
           &&linewrap numpnts(storevariance)-1]=wavevariance[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] 
       insertpoints numpnts(storetime), numpnts(wavetime), storetime // extends storetime
           &&linewrap numpnts(storetime)-1]=wavetime[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] 
       acq_cycle=+1 //increment the counter for acquisition cycle
       if (psdflag==1)
       endif // switches off psd
       //print dt1," ",dt2
       if (dt1>=plotresolution) // after exiting this loops, it adds a plot point ... 
         // insertpoints numpnts(deflstrip), 1, deflstrip, variancestrip // makes room
         timestrip[numpnts(timestrip)]={stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0} // to store the time too
         deflstrip[numpnts(deflstrip)]={mean(storeaverage, pnt2x(storeaverage, 
           &&linewrap numpnts(storeaverage)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storeaverage, numpnts(storeaverage)))}
         variancestrip[numpnts(variancestrip)]={mean(storevariance, pnt2x(storevariance, 
           &&linewrap numpnts(storevariance)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storevariance, 
           &&linewrap numpnts(storevariance)))/sqrt(acq_cycle*rate/savedrate)}
         doupdate // explicitly ask to update the plots (in hope it has not done it before at insertpoint)
        // print "plotplot"
         dt1=0 //resets delta time for plotting
         acq_cycle=0 // resets acquisition cycle, so it later knows what to use for plotting
       if  (dt2>=recordingtime) 
         // saves storeaverage and storevariance on file with automatic names 
         // empty storeaverage and storevariance for next acquisitions
         timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
         filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt" 
         save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename   
         redimension/N=0 storetime, storeaverage, storevariance //clean up
         dt2=0 //resets delta time for recording
        while (t1<experimenttime)
    // now save storeaverage and storevariance, 
    timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
    filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt" // for saving
    save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename        
    // and also save deflstrip and variancestrip 
    timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
    filename="ExperimentStrip "+"finished on "+timenow+".txt" // for saving
    save /G/P=Path1 timestrip deflstrip variancestrip as filename   
    //print "I want to save deflstrip and variancestrip"
    // now acquire last PSD
    waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, 1) // DATA ACQUISITION (and saving of PSD)
end // of function
function waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag)
    variable t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag
    string timenow, filename
    variable i=0
    variable blocksize=rate/savedrate // blocksize for block averaging
    variable segmentsize=0
    if (duration*rate>8192*4)
            segmentsize=8192// segment size for Periodogram calculation
    //print segmentsize
    make/O/N=(rate*duration) wave0
    make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) wavevariance // wave variance decimated
    make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) waveaverage // wave after decimation
    make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) wavetime // to store the time points
    make/O/N=0 media //to store the recordings
    make/O/N=0 timepoints //to store the time of recordings
    make/O/N=(segmentsize/2+1) periodogramdomain
    // variable timezero=(stopMSTimer(-2)-t0)/10^6 // resets the time
    //print timezero
    setscale/P x, t1, (1/rate), "s", wave0 // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
    // next is commented so this is a SIMULATION for acquisition
    DAQmx_scan/DEV="dev4" WAVES="wave0, 2;" //acquires from DEV device on channel 2 and puts in wave0
    // must create a rate*duration size wave0
    // for adding a frequency, use sin(freq*x*2*Pi) x is already scaled in 1/rate seconds
    // variable phase=Pi*gnoise(1) // to start the noise at different phases
    // wave0=gnoise(1)+10*sin(3000*x*2*Pi)+sin(0.1*x*2*Pi+phase)// 3000 Hz vibration+ 0.1Hz vibration + gaussian noise
    // sleep/S duration // pause to simulate acquisition and do not mess the timings
    if (psdflag==1)
            DSPPeriodogram/Q/DLSG/NOR=(segmentsize*segmentsize/2)/SEGN={(segmentsize),(segmentsize/2)}/Win=hanning wave0
            timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
            filename="PSD "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+".txt" // for saving
            periodogramdomain=pnt2x(W_periodogram, p)
            save /G/P=Path1 periodogramdomain W_periodogram as filename
    wavevariance=variance(wave0, pnt2x(wave0, blocksize*p), pnt2x(wave0, (blocksize*(p+1))-1))/blocksize
    setscale/P x, t1, blocksize*(1/rate), "s", wavevariance // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
    waveaverage=sum(wave0, pnt2x(wave0, blocksize*p), pnt2x(wave0, (blocksize*(p+1))-1))/blocksize
    setscale/P x, t1, blocksize*(1/rate), "s", waveaverage // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
    wavetime=pnt2x(wavevariance, p) // timings from the scale (?)
    variable stoptimer=stopMSTimer(-2) // stops the microseconds timer
You're not giving us much to go on. Does it fail to compile? If so, what is the error message, and the line pointed to by the compiler?

Does it fail at run-time? If so, is there an error message? You should tell us what it is. A screen shot of an error alert is fine way to do that.

Maybe there is no message, but it doesn't do what you expect. If so, you should tell us what you expect and what it actually does.

That's a lot of code to look at if we have no guidance as to what is intended, and what goes wrong.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
I don't know John, with out even an explanation of the problem, I can see at least one glaring concern. There are several unfilled lines; these extra lines contribute to a readability issue which OP is clearly referencing. If you want me to delete these extra lines, let me know OP and I'll update this post and make the necessary fixes.
austenld wrote:
I don't know John, with out even an explanation of the problem, I can see at least one glaring concern. There are several unfilled lines; these extra lines contribute to a readability issue which OP is clearly referencing. If you want me to delete these extra lines, let me know OP and I'll update this post and make the necessary fixes.

what kind of unfilled line?
I'm sorry, John, but I had focused on the edit text igor and I forgot to continue the post.
So, the problem is not due to an error that is to compile, because everything is working without error.
The problem is due to the fact that I may have made some mistakes in the PSD.

(I state that I am making acquisitions with national card and an AFM.)

sw creates a series of waves, of which the major that I need are deflection vs. time and variance vs time.

The curve deflection vs. time does not present problems, for the variance vs time curve instead, there are problems.
I expect that the curve should be very steady, without peaks or drift I assure you that is not due to electronic noise as the AFM is isolated and placed in a Faraday cage.
Some illustrative sample data would be very helpful.
In the mean time: Are all cables and connectors OK? Does the "artifact" arise from cross talk between the channels?
This is an example of an acquisition:
experiment time: 3600s
duration: 30s
recording time: 30 seconds
saved rate: 200 Hz
plot resolution: 2
rate: 10000 hz

- Red = deflection vs. time (the correct curve because there is a thermal drift of the tip, and it is normal that it is negative)
- In blue = variance vs time that should not be so

all cables and connectors are OK, and I'm also acquiring from only one channel
What is wrong with it?
Your signal is in the order of 1e0 = 1.
Your variance is around 10e-9 and 8 orders of magnitude smaller. (I would consider this as smooth.)

Maybe you want similar axis ranges for both traces for checking
SetAxis left 0,1
SetAxis right 0,1

so do you think there's nothing wrong?
So why you see all those peaks? especially at different heights, and also there is a certain periodicity .....

However now I try, where should I put the "set axisis"?
here the first "display"?
display / W = (1,1,800,150) deflstrip vs Timestrip
AppendToGraph / L = L2 variancestrip vs Timestrip
ModifyGraph axisEnab (left) 0,0.45 = {}
ModifyGraph axisEnab (L2) = {0.55,1}
ModifyGraph FreePOS (L2) = 0
ModifyGraph lblPosMode (L2) = 2
ModifyGraph rgb (deflstrip) = (0,0,0)
SetAxis left 0,1
SetAxis right 0,1
Why are you using a second left axis and put it on the right?
As the manual says, you can also use the /R flag to use the right axis...
AppendToGraph /R variancestrip vs Timestrip

I don't know your experiment and you are generally not providing much information. All I can tell you is that your variance is 8 orders of magnitude smaller than your signal. If you expect it to be 6 orders of magnitude smaller I would say this is good. If you expect it to be 20 orders smaller I would say it's very bad. (Just random numbers for illustration!)
The right axis range should not be smaller than your expected variance. Maybe add some waves to the graph indicating this limit. Otherwise the autoscale feature might make you think that there are peaks but in fact it's just low level noise.
Of Course, the waves are saved as a file text named ExperimentStrip[...]
So I load the file wiht:
display deflection(deflstrip) vs time(timestrip)
appendtogrpah/r variance(variancestrip) vs time(timestrip)