Sort DataFolders using GetIndexedObjName or GetIndexedObjNameDFR

I am building a table programmatically where waves of the same names are stored in datafolders of varying names.
In this case the order of the waves on the table matters.
In case it helps, I am using liberal folder names.
When I created the folders, I was not super careful about the order I did them.

When I run the bit of code below, I build a table with the waves in the order of the folder creation date.
This is undesirable behavior, I want them sorted alphanumerically.
I can toggle the preferences of the data browser to change the display order, but GetIndexedObjName seems to be insensitive to this fix.
Is there some way to re-order or sort the datafolders in conjunction with GetIndexedObjName such that I can get them in the desired order?

        Variable numfolders = CountObjects(tempname, 4) 
    for (i=0; i< numfolders; i+=1)
        Tempfolder = tempname + "'" + GetIndexedObjName(tempname, 4, i) + "'"
        SetDataFolder tempfolder
                Appendtotable wave0

FYI - my folder names are:
You can reorder the data folders by dragging all of them out of the parent data folder and then dragging them back in the desired order.

If you don't want to do that, this code shows how to achieve what you want.

Function/S SortedDataFolderList(sourceFolderStr, sortOptions)
    String sourceFolderStr  // e.g., "root:'A Data Folder'"
    Variable sortOptions    // e.g., 16 - See SortList for details
    String dfList = ""
    Variable numDataFolders = CountObjects(sourceFolderStr, 4)
    Variable i
    for (i=0; i< numDataFolders; i+=1)
        String dfName = GetIndexedObjName(sourceFolderStr, 4, i)
        dfList += dfName + ";"
    dfList = SortList(dfList, ";", sortOptions)
    return dfList
Function DemoCreateTable()
    String sourceFolderStr = "root:'A Data Folder'"
    DFREF sourceDFR = $sourceFolderStr
    String dfList = SortedDataFolderList(sourceFolderStr, 16)
    Variable numItems = ItemsInList(dfList)
    Variable i
    for(i=0; i<numItems; i+=1)
        String dfName = StringFromList(i, dfList)
        DFREF dfr = sourceDFR:$dfName
        Wave w = dfr:wave0
        AppendToTable w

hrodstein wrote:
You can reorder the data folders by dragging all of them out of the parent data folder and then dragging them back in the desired order.

If you don't want to do that, this code shows how to achieve what you want.

Thanks, I was thinking maybe I was missing some setting or flag somewhere that would simplify this.
Apparently not.
The programmatic solution is the best one as there are a very large number of datafolders.
Thanks for the code snippet to achieve that!