Shorting values from different folders
I have loaded my data in igor using a loader that saves each spectrum (saved as a wave) separately together with some variables (Current, etc.) by creating individual folder. Now I would like to average/do some mathematics with the spectrum only with those folders having the value of a particular variable same (lets say when Current=15). How can I short those folders and do this? Thanks in advance.
Maybe this function I wrote to do similar stuff helps you:
// Returns a list of the full paths to sub data folders.
// Sorts the list by default. Set sort=0 to cancel.
variable sort
string dl = removeEnding(DataFolderDir(1)[8,inf],";\r")
if (!strlen(dl))
return ""
dl = "'" + replaceString(",",dl,"','") + "'" // single-quote everything to make all names legal
dl = getDataFolder(1) + replaceString(",", dl, ":;"+getDataFolder(1)) + ":;"
if (ParamIsDefault(sort))
dl = sortList(dl)
return dl
You would use it in a for loop like this:
variable i, n=itemsInList(allSubFolders)
for (i=0; i<n; i+=1)
string thisFolder = stringFromList(i, allSubFolders)
if GrepString(thisFolder, "spectrum") // only use folders called "*spectrum*", this would be useful to avoid using folders like "root:Packages"
setdatafolder $thisFolder
// check for the existance & value of a given variable
NVAR /Z Current
if (NVAR_Exists(Current) && Current==15)
print Current
setdatafolder ::
(I haven't tested this example loop.)
I also have another function which lets you do execute_code_in_all_subfolders("print 0") but I think it's less useful in this context.
By the way, Igor's trace name feature is extremely useful when you use functions like this. For example, if you do
andAppendToGraph Spectrum /TN=$thisFolder
in the above loop, you will be able to see from the graph legend which wave is which. Otherwise, you would just get Spectrum, Spectrum#1, Spectrum#2, ...May 19, 2015 at 11:40 pm - Permalink