with igor, my tutor and I, we have created a procedure to aquire the signal by the AFM.
With a while loop, we can make acquisitions at different intervals of time, and through the script of save, we can save the "Wave".
Now we would like to put a stop function: we would like to create a button "STOP" in the graphical interface, which allows to stop the acquisition, and once stopped, automatically save the file until that instant of time.
On the forum I found one scritp "pseudo stop button" but adapting it to our procedure, does not work very well.
you help us?
I suggest you look at the Manual, Chapter IV-6 "Interacting with the User" (p. IV-139) for a code example of how to detect a key press (Escape), control the exit from your function, and perform whatever data save function you create.
May 7, 2015 at 06:03 am - Permalink
Variable phase // 0: Display control panel with message.
// 1: Test if Escape key is pressed.
// 2: Close control panel.
String title // Title for control panel.
String message // Tells user what you are doing.
if (phase == 0) // Create panel
DoWindow/F PressEscapePanel
if (V_flag == 0)
NewPanel/K=1 /W=(350,800,500,900)
DoWindow/C PressEscapePanel
DoWindow/T PressEscapePanel, title
String abortStr = "Press escape to abort"
TitleBox Press,pos={16,40},size={106,20},title=abortStr
if (phase == 1) // Test for Escape key
Variable doAbort = 0
if (GetKeyState(0) & 32) // Is Escape key pressed now?
doAbort = 1
if (strlen(message) != 0) // Want to change message?
TitleBox Message,title=message
return doAbort
if (phase == 2) // Kill panel
DoWindow/K PressEscapePanel
return 0
In your code, before the acquisition begins, put the following command to open a Panel saying "Press escape to abort"
Then later in the code after all necessary operations have been done for that cycle, before While(1), put something like
// 1: tests for Esc key press; exit point from Do-While loop
Print "Test aborted by Escape key."
//..your clean-up, data save, and acquisition termination commands go here...
break // exits from Do..While
Then just before the end of your function, put
You may have to press the Escape key more than once, or make sure it is held down sufficiently long.
May 7, 2015 at 08:53 am - Permalink
This is my procedure.
So, I need to "abort" my acquisition when I want to, so you save all that acquired until then.
If I understand it, I should write down your first script in the DO-while loop, then, before the function acuisizione insert the second script, then?
correct me if I'm wrong.
function master(experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution,savepath)
variable experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution
string savepath
variable psdflag=1 // first time, make the periodogram
NewPath/O Path1,savepath//defines where to save the files
string timenow=date()+" "+time() // date and time now
string filename
variable t0 = stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6 // consults the microseconds timer, from the moment of PC startup
variable t1=0, dt1=0, dt2=0 // time init
if (plotresolution<duration)
plotresolution=duration // cannot update faster than acquire
make/O/N=0 timestrip //store the time
make/O/N=0 deflstrip //where to store the deflection every plotresolution>duration
make /O/N=0 variancestrip //where to store the variance every plotresolution>duration
setscale/P x, t1, (plotresolution), "s", timestrip, deflstrip, variancestrip // sets the spacing of the waves, just to have "s" as unit
setscale/P y, 0,1,"V" deflstrip, variancestrip
setscale/P y,0,1,"s",timestrip
display/W=(1,1,800,150) deflstrip vs timestrip
AppendToGraph/L=L2 variancestrip vs timestrip
ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0,0.45}
ModifyGraph axisEnab(L2)={0.55,1}
ModifyGraph freePos(L2)=0
ModifyGraph lblPosMode(L2)=2
ModifyGraph rgb(deflstrip)=(0,0,0)
make /O/N=0 storeaverage, storevariance, storetime, waveaverage, wavevariance, wavetime // to store average and variance for the recordingtime
display/W=(8, 310, 400,550) storeaverage vs storetime
variable acq_cycle=0 // counter for acquisition cycle
do //big loop for acquisition and plot
t1=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0 // evaluate the experimental time
//print "t1=",t1
waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag) // DATA ACQUISITION
dt1+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for plotting
dt2+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for saving
insertpoints numpnts(storeaverage), numpnts(waveaverage), storeaverage // extends storeaverage
storeaverage[numpnts(storeaverage)-numpnts(waveaverage), numpnts(storeaverage)-1]=waveaverage[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] // stores the averaged deflection points
insertpoints numpnts(storevariance), numpnts(wavevariance), storevariance // extends storevariance
storevariance[numpnts(storevariance)-numpnts(wavevariance), numpnts(storevariance)-1]=wavevariance[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] // stores the variance time points too
insertpoints numpnts(storetime), numpnts(wavetime), storetime // extends storetime
storetime[numpnts(storetime)-numpnts(wavetime), numpnts(storetime)-1]=wavetime[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] // and the times
acq_cycle=+1 //increment the counter for acquisition cycle
if (psdflag==1)
endif // switches off psd
//print dt1," ",dt2
if (dt1>=plotresolution) // after exiting this loops, it adds a plot point ...
// insertpoints numpnts(deflstrip), 1, deflstrip, variancestrip // makes room
timestrip[numpnts(timestrip)]={stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0} // to store the time too
deflstrip[numpnts(deflstrip)]={mean(storeaverage, pnt2x(storeaverage, numpnts(storeaverage)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storeaverage, numpnts(storeaverage)))}
variancestrip[numpnts(variancestrip)]={mean(storevariance, pnt2x(storevariance, numpnts(storevariance)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storevariance, numpnts(storevariance)))/sqrt(acq_cycle*rate/savedrate)}
doupdate // explicitly ask to update the plots (in hope it has not done it before at insertpoint)
// print "plotplot"
dt1=0 //resets delta time for plotting
acq_cycle=0 // resets acquisition cycle, so it later knows what to use for plotting
if (dt2>=recordingtime) // after exiting this loop, it records on file and resets storeaverage and storevariance
// saves storeaverage and storevariance on file with automatic names
// empty storeaverage and storevariance for next acquisitions
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
redimension/N=0 storetime, storeaverage, storevariance //clean up
dt2=0 //resets delta time for recording
psdflag=1 // nextg cycle, record the PSD (if there is no next cycle, it records it at the end)
while (t1<experimenttime)
// now save storeaverage and storevariance, as the last portion of it may get lost otherwise (worst case, it will be empty files)
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
// and also save deflstrip and variancestrip
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="ExperimentStrip "+"finished on "+timenow+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 timestrip deflstrip variancestrip as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
//print "I want to save deflstrip and variancestrip"
// now acquire last PSD
waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, 1) // DATA ACQUISITION (and saving of PSD)
end // of function
function waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag)
variable t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag
string timenow, filename
variable i=0
variable blocksize=rate/savedrate // blocksize for block averaging
variable segmentsize=0
if (duration*rate>8192*4)
segmentsize=8192// segment size for Periodogram calculation
make/O/N=(rate*duration) wave0
make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) wavevariance // wave variance decimated
make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) waveaverage // wave after decimation
make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) wavetime // to store the time points
make/O/N=0 media //to store the recordings
make/O/N=0 timepoints //to store the time of recordings
make/O/N=(segmentsize/2+1) periodogramdomain
setscale/P x, t1, (1/rate), "s", wave0 // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
DAQmx_scan/DEV="dev4" WAVES="wave0, 2;" //acquires from DEV device on channel 2 and puts in wave0
if (psdflag==1)
DSPPeriodogram/Q/DLSG/NOR=(segmentsize*segmentsize/2)/SEGN={(segmentsize),(segmentsize/2)}/Win=hanning wave0
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="PSD "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+".txt" // for saving
periodogramdomain=pnt2x(W_periodogram, p)
save /G/P=Path1 periodogramdomain W_periodogram as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
wavevariance=variance(wave0, pnt2x(wave0, blocksize*p), pnt2x(wave0, (blocksize*(p+1))-1))/blocksize
setscale/P x, t1, blocksize*(1/rate), "s", wavevariance // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
waveaverage=sum(wave0, pnt2x(wave0, blocksize*p), pnt2x(wave0, (blocksize*(p+1))-1))/blocksize
setscale/P x, t1, blocksize*(1/rate), "s", waveaverage // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
wavetime=pnt2x(wavevariance, p) // timings from the scale (?)
variable stoptimer=stopMSTimer(-2) // stops the microseconds timer
May 8, 2015 at 03:26 am - Permalink
Here is an edited copy of your main function code, with the addition of my suggested placement of the previously given Escape code sequences. I have indented your code, eliminated many of your comments, and added artificial linewrap indicators to keep line lengths in the Exchange format to a minimum. My insertions are indicated by
// ***NEW***
labels. You might consider performing your last "waveacquire" within thePressEscapeToAbort(1,"","")
if-endif loop. You may notice a delay after the Esc key is pressed.function master(experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution,savepath)
variable experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution
string savepath
variable psdflag=1 // first time, make the periodogram
NewPath/O Path1,savepath//defines where to save the files
string timenow=date()+" "+time() // date and time now
string filename
variable t0 = stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6 // consults the microseconds timer, from the moment of PC startup
variable t1=0, dt1=0, dt2=0 // time init
if (plotresolution<duration)
plotresolution=duration // cannot update faster than acquire
make/O/N=0 timestrip //store the time
make/O/N=0 deflstrip //where to store the deflection every plotresolution>duration
make /O/N=0 variancestrip //where to store the variance every plotresolution>duration
setscale/P x, t1, (plotresolution), "s", timestrip, deflstrip, variancestrip
setscale/P y, 0,1,"V" deflstrip, variancestrip
setscale/P y,0,1,"s",timestrip
display/W=(1,1,800,150) deflstrip vs timestrip
AppendToGraph/L=L2 variancestrip vs timestrip
ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0,0.45}
ModifyGraph axisEnab(L2)={0.55,1}
ModifyGraph freePos(L2)=0
ModifyGraph lblPosMode(L2)=2
ModifyGraph rgb(deflstrip)=(0,0,0)
make /O/N=0 storeaverage, storevariance, storetime, waveaverage, wavevariance, wavetime
display/W=(8, 310, 400,550) storeaverage vs storetime
variable acq_cycle=0 // counter for acquisition cycle
PressEscapeToAbort(0,"","") //****************NEW*********************
do //big loop for acquisition and plot
t1=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0 // evaluate the experimental time
//print "t1=",t1
waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag) // DATA ACQUISITION
dt1+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for plotting
dt2+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for saving
insertpoints numpnts(storeaverage), numpnts(waveaverage), storeaverage // extends storeaverage
&&linewrap numpnts(storeaverage)-1]=waveaverage[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1]
insertpoints numpnts(storevariance), numpnts(wavevariance), storevariance // extends storevariance
&&linewrap numpnts(storevariance)-1]=wavevariance[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1]
insertpoints numpnts(storetime), numpnts(wavetime), storetime // extends storetime
&&linewrap numpnts(storetime)-1]=wavetime[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1]
acq_cycle=+1 //increment the counter for acquisition cycle
if (psdflag==1)
endif // switches off psd
//print dt1," ",dt2
if (dt1>=plotresolution) // after exiting this loops, it adds a plot point ...
// insertpoints numpnts(deflstrip), 1, deflstrip, variancestrip // makes room
timestrip[numpnts(timestrip)]={stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0} // to store the time too
deflstrip[numpnts(deflstrip)]={mean(storeaverage, pnt2x(storeaverage,
&&linewrap numpnts(storeaverage)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storeaverage, numpnts(storeaverage)))}
variancestrip[numpnts(variancestrip)]={mean(storevariance, pnt2x(storevariance,
&&linewrap numpnts(storevariance)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storevariance,
&&linewrap numpnts(storevariance)))/sqrt(acq_cycle*rate/savedrate)}
doupdate // explicitly ask to update the plots (in hope it has not done it before at insertpoint)
// print "plotplot"
dt1=0 //resets delta time for plotting
acq_cycle=0 // resets acquisition cycle, so it later knows what to use for plotting
if (dt2>=recordingtime)
// saves storeaverage and storevariance on file with automatic names
// empty storeaverage and storevariance for next acquisitions
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt"
save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename
redimension/N=0 storetime, storeaverage, storevariance //clean up
dt2=0 //resets delta time for recording
if(PressEscapeToAbort(1,"","")) // ******************NEW*****************
// perform any commands and functions to save data
// or terminate your data acquisition instruments here
break // exit the do-while loop
while (t1<experimenttime)
// now save storeaverage and storevariance,
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename
// and also save deflstrip and variancestrip
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="ExperimentStrip "+"finished on "+timenow+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 timestrip deflstrip variancestrip as filename
//print "I want to save deflstrip and variancestrip"
// now acquire last PSD
waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, 1) // DATA ACQUISITION (and saving of PSD)
PressEscapeToAbort(2,"","") // *********NEW*********************
end // of function
May 12, 2015 at 03:18 am - Permalink
May 12, 2015 at 05:44 am - Permalink