Problem with "Index out of range" error.

I am trying to create a code that firstly creates a dataset that simulates a radar measurements of a cloud in the atmosphere. Then I want to convert it into data with real height and range. However, this is not the problem. I get an "Index out of range" error for the RealCloud wave. When I debug me code it seems that it stucks in the RealCloudConv function, and it doesn't return the value into RCloud in fake2real function. Could anyone help me please?
This is my whole code (there are 4 different functions. The first is the basic. The two last are secondary functions and there is no problem with them. The problem in the last command of the first function or somewhere in the second function.
Function Fake2Real(HoRes,VeRes) // Calculates real height and real range of radar values in two different matrices variable HoRes,VeRes variable Perimeter, RadiusOfRange, RangeColumns, i, j, HeightRaws, Rad, EarthRadius, a, b, c, d variable RealHeightMax, RealRangeMax make/O/N=(60/VeRes,200/HoRes) RealRange make/O/N=(60/VeRes,200/HoRes) RealHeight make/O/N=(60/VeRes,200/HoRes) cloud=0 wave cloud20 LoadWave/J/D/O/M/W/K=0/N=cloud2 "\\\\nask.man.ac.uk\\home$:Desktop:FakeCloud.csv" RangeColumns = 200/HoRes //200 is the total range of the radar HeightRaws = 60/VeRes Perimeter=44050 EarthRadius = 6371 Rad=Deg2Rad(VeRes) For (i=0; i<RangeColumns; i+=1) For (j=0; j<HeightRaws; j+=1) RadiusOfRange = ((i+1)*HoRes*360)/Perimeter RealRange[j][i]= (RadiusOfRange*2*pi*6371)/360 RealHeight[j][i]= ((RealRange[j][i])*sin(Rad))+((RealRange[j][i]^2)/(2*EarthRadius))*(HeightRaws-j) EndFor EndFor RealRangeMax=round(Maximum(HeightRaws,RangeColumns,RealRange)) RealHeightMax=round(Maximum(HeightRaws,RangeColumns,RealHeight)) Make/O/N=(RealHeightMax, RealRangeMax) RCloud=0 RCloud=RealCloudConv(cloud20, RealRange, RealHeight, VeRes, HoRes, RealHeightMax, RealRangeMax) End //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//3 Function RealCloudConv(cloud1, RealRange1, RealHeight1, VeRes1, HoRes1, RealHeightMax1, RealRangeMax1) wave cloud1, RealRange1, RealHeight1 variable VeRes1, HoRes1, RealHeightMax1, RealRangeMax1 variable i, j, raws, columns, col, raw, realcols, RealRangeMax, RealHeightMax raws=dimsize(cloud1,0) columns=dimsize(cloud1,1) make/O/N=(RealHeightMax1, RealRangeMax1) RealCloud=0 //60/VeRes1,200/HoRes1 For (i=0; i<raws; i+=1) For (j=0; j<columns; j+=1) col=round(RealRange1[i][j]) raw=round(RealHeight1[i][j]) RealCloud[raw][col] = cloud1[i][j] EndFor EndFor return RealCloud End //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //SECONDARY FUNCTIONS// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Function Maximum(raws1,columns1,matrix) wave matrix variable raws1,columns1 variable max1, i, j max1=0 for (i=0; i<raws1; i+=1) for(j=0; j<columns1; j+=1) if (matrix[i][j]>max1) max1=matrix[i][j] endif endfor endfor return max1 end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Function Deg2Rad(VRes) //Converts degrees to radians variable VRes variable radians radians=VRes*0.005555556*pi return radians End
This will make the code much easier to read.
One mistake is that
returns a wave but declares the return type to be a variable.May 5, 2015 at 03:43 am - Permalink
Thanks a lot.
May 5, 2015 at 07:40 am - Permalink
displayhelptopic "Function"
Igor tags are "igor" and "/igor" each enclosed in "<" and ">".
May 5, 2015 at 07:44 am - Permalink
May 6, 2015 at 07:23 am - Permalink