Batch Fitting

I have been using Igor for quite some time, but despite my better intentions I have never been able to go beyond simple analysis, usually relying on windows rather than on command line expressions. Now, I need to batch fit a series of waves, and I am in a bit of a loss. I know, that igor does that (I checked some of the documentation) but indeed, I am so i inexperienced with command line inputs that I would really appreciate the help of someone more knowledgeable.
I have 400 or so curves, and I would like do a simple linear fit to a defined segment in all of them. All curves are aligned around x = 0 and it would be in this neighborhood where I would like to fit each element of the dataset (please see figure attached). From consulting the manual, I got the impression that this might require for me to write a script - is this correct?
This may be too much to ask, but would it be possible to have a step-by-step indication on how to proceed? I would really like to develop my skills with Igor but my knowledge of programming is still quite limited. Would really appreciate whatever help that can be given.
Many thanks in advance.

As a first step do maybe 3 or 5 manual fits and have a close look what Igor is printing in the history. Understand what it is doing and notice the changes for the individual fits.
Then have a look at
helping in the second step: build a loop around the things you learned in step 1.
Probably you also want to store your results. This should also be included in the loop.
If you have detailed questions PM me.
April 7, 2015 at 01:37 am - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 7, 2015 at 09:33 am - Permalink
Many thanks to both!
April 7, 2015 at 01:53 pm - Permalink