Load several data files
I have some data with irregular format. What I'm trying to do is writing some functions to read only selected files into separate data folders. I put an example below and this format repeats itself in every file. Attached you can see an example data file. I have so far:
- First row is the Date/Time
- Second, third and fourth rows are data points for three main groups (each one has 10 parameters). My final wave will have the following dimensions (Rows = X; Columns = 10; Layers = 3)
- Fifth row has different number of columns therefore I thought they can be saved in a 2D wave (Rows = X; Columns = 8)
- Sixth row has also different number of columns than other five rows. So again a 2D wave (Rows = X; Columns = 9)
Example Data:
I thought I may write two functions. One to read data files in order and save the data in a separate data folder. A second function to do the main job and read/load individual data points.
Function LoadSelectedNephFiles() Variable refNum String message = "Select one or more .dat files" String outputPaths String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.dat):.dat;" SVAR workdir = root:workdir fileFilters += "All Files:.*;" Open /D /R /MULT=1 /F=fileFilters /M=message refNum outputPaths = S_fileName if (strlen(outputPaths) == 0) Print "Cancelled" return -1 endif Variable numFilesSelected = ItemsInList(outputPaths, "\r") NVAR numberofAnalFiles = root:numberofAnalFiles numberofAnalFiles = numFilesSelected Variable i for(i=0; i<numFilesSelected; i+=1) String path = StringFromList(i, outputPaths, "\r") // Printf "%d: %s\r", i, path // For debugging only Variable err = LoadNephFile("", path) // It is OK to pass "" for pathName because we are passing a full path for fileName if (err != 0) return err endif endfor return 0 // Success End
Second function is still not clear to me and at this point I would appreciate any helps/suggestions. Some initial thoughts:
- Can I use LoadWave function? If yes, how should I design it work with this non-ideal data structure?
- How should I deal with the first block and put that in a loop?
I think you mean "How can I loop through all of the files in a folder". Use IndexedFile. For and example, see http://www.igorexchange.com/node/5843
LoadWave can only load a regular block of numbers. You can tell LoadWave to load a block of lines of text using the /L flag. So you can tell LoadWave to load lines 1, 2 and 3 (zero-based). You can then parcel the data into your 3D output wave and repeat for the next block of RGB lines. To do this you need to be able to calculate the line numbers in each RGB block. If the files are regular, that is doable. However you also need to know when to stop. For this you need to know the total number of lines in the file, which can note be determined except by examining the file line-by-line.
Because of this last issue, I think I would dispense with LoadWave and use FReadLine instead. There is an example at http://www.igorexchange.com/node/880. You would then use sscanf to parse a given line and store the values in the appropriate place in the output wave.
March 31, 2015 at 10:16 am - Permalink
March 31, 2015 at 10:28 am - Permalink