Call a standalone application with IGOR

Hello Igor users and developers, I already programmed a complex software on Matlab. I don't want to reprogram it in Igor. I would like to call a standalone application (exe file) compiled with Matlab (I have the deploytool toolbox to do that). Is it possible? I don't know how to do that with Igor but I did that in Java for another project. Do I need to use ExecuteScriptText? I wrote this simple call to my SimpleExe.exe standalone application:
function test()
    String str="C:\\Nouveau dossier\\SimpleExe.exe"
    ExecuteScriptText str


but this doesn't work.

Thanks for your help.

johnweeks wrote:
I think you should be able to use ExecuteScriptText for that. At the very least, you can invoke a .bat file that would then do the job. John Weeks WaveMetrics, Inc.
Dear John, you're right, it should work but I think I didn't found a way to give the path. There is a problem of synthax for the path. I tried to give the full path with different ways:
str= "C:\\Nouveau dossier\\SimpleEXE"
str= "\"C:\\Nouveau dossier\\SimpleEXE\"" \\ as it's written on the help documentation -> ExecuteScriptText "\"C:\\Program Files\\my.bat\""
create a symbolic path but nothing work.

Could you help me to give the correct path?

Best regards.
Maybe try
String str="\"C:\\Nouveau dossier\\SimpleExe.exe\""
since there is a blank in your path...


Never post before the second cup of tea...
Without \" it does not work and with \" it works.
I tried it (with a batch file) on my machine and it works with a blank in the filename and in the path.
It also works with just and \.

I also tried it with calc.exe and it only works if the extension ".exe" is included. Maybe this is the key.