from two 1D waves to a 2D wave

I have 2 columns of data (A and B), I would like to create a matrix (M) which the first column there is A multiplied by the first value of B, the second column of B is A multiplied by the second value of B, and so on.
over multiplication, I wish it was possible to apply other functions (exponential and others)
how can you do?

Try the following.

Function Fasix_Multiply(wA, wB)
    Wave wA
    Wave wB
    Variable nPointsInA
    Variable nPointsInB
    Variable nIndex
    nPointsInA = DimSize(wA, 0) 
    nPointsInB = DimSize(wB, 0) 
    Make/O/N=(nPointsInA, nPointsInB) wOut
    for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPointsInB; nIndex += 1)
        wOut[][nIndex] = wA[p] * wB[nIndex]

Edit the contents of the for/endfor loop to do something other than multiplication.
I have created the following procedure:

#pragma rtGlobals=1     // Use modern global access method.
Function simulazione(wA, wB , wC)
    Wave wA
    Wave wB
    Wave wC
    Variable nPointsInA
    Variable nPointsInB
    Variable nIndex
    nPointsInA = DimSize(wA, 0) 
    nPointsInB = DimSize(wB, 0) 
    Make/O/N=(nPointsInA, nPointsInB) wOut
    for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPointsInB; nIndex += 1)
        wOut[][nIndex] = wA[p] * exp (- wC[p] * 10 * wB[nIndex])

and I have complied it.

and in my "Command Window" I have typed

simulazione(wPL, w_dist, wAbs)

and the procedure creates "wOut" 2D wave.

is it correct?
fasix wrote:
and in my "Command Window" I have typed

simulazione(wPL, w_dist, wAbs)

and the procedure creates "wOut" 2D wave.

is it correct?


Each column in wOut shows the result of the calculation on wPL and w_dist with a constant value from wAbs.

So the first column in wOut is

wOut[][0] = wA[p] * exp (- wC[p] * 10 * wB[0])

Is this giving you expected results?

The "p" is an implicit function in igor used on the right side in an assignment statement to refer to the first index (rows) of a wave on the left side of the statement. If that is a bit confusing you might look up wave indexing in the online help.
Are you looking for the matrix outer product of two arrays (waves)? If so,
DisplayHelpTopic "MatrixCorr"
My previous suggestion is not the best solution because it requires same-sized waves. Try this and see if it works. The result is in a matrix M_product. I used Duplicate to avoid redimensioning the original waves into matrices; /FREE avoids storage clutter of these intermediate matrices.
function outer(wA, wB)
    wave wA, wB
    duplicate/O/FREE wA, wAF
    duplicate/O/FREE wB, wBF
    Redimension /N=(numpnts(wAF),1) wAF
    Redimension /N=(1, numpnts(wBF)) wBF
    MatrixMultiply wAF, wBF   // result is in M_product