running sum code

I'd like to take create a running sum(cumulative plot) from data points from an old wave and plot them as a new wave.
ex. if points in old wave are 1,1,2,3 ----------- new wave would be 1,2,4,7

This is the code that I need help with:

#pragma rtGlobals=3     // Use modern global access method and strict wave access.
Function go()
Wave new
Wave old_wave
Make /O new
Variable run_sum = 0
Variable curr_val
Variable p=0
curr_val = old_wave[p]
do new[p] = run_sum + old_wave[p]
run_sum += curr_val
while (p <= numpnts(old_wave))
return curr_val
display new
You can save yourself the trouble and use the Integrate operation, just make sure that your input wave has default scaling.
Duplicate/O old_wave,newWave
Integrate/meth=0 newWave
Display newWave

If you insist on writing an explicit loop you may want to stay away from using 'p' as an index as it has other uses.

WaveMetrics, Inc.