MatrixOP help

My problem: I have a bunch of 3D objects that I am rotating about the z-axis and then by the y-axis (to do this I use MatrixMultiply and this is fine). What I'm doing is performing this for all possible angles about z and y (and computing distances to find the lowest total value - this is not the problem). Right now my code makes two 1D waves that correspond to all possible angles, I then step through the combinations using For-EndFor loops (see code). I am sure that I must be able to make a matrix/2D wave of these values and use a MatrixOp to do this and I know that this must be faster, but I can't see how to do it.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Function LowPoint() variable theta,phi //in radians Make /o /n=180 MatThetaWave MatThetaWave =x/(180/PI) Make /o /n=360 MatPhiWave MatPhiWave =x/(180/PI) Make /o /n=(360,180) MatResWave String wList=wavelist("MT*",";","") String wName Variable i,j,k Variable px //pixel value - how much black would be seen in gizmo en face For (j = 0; j < numpnts(MatThetaWave); j +=1) Theta=MatThetaWave(j) For (k = 0; k < numpnts(MatPhiWave); k +=1) px=0 Phi=MatPhiWave(k) Make/o zRotationMatrix={{cos(phi),-sin(phi),0},{sin(phi),cos(phi),0},{0,0,1}} Make/o yRotationMatrix={{cos(theta),0,sin(theta)},{0,1,0},{-sin(theta),0,cos(theta)}} For (i = 0; i < ItemsInList(wList); i += 1) wName = StringFromList(i, wList) Wave/Z w = $wName MatrixMultiply w,zRotationMatrix Wave M_Product MatrixMultiply M_Product,yRotationMatrix px +=sqrt(((M_Product[1][0]-M_Product[0][0])^2)+((M_Product[1][1]-M_Product[0][1])^2)) EndFor MatResWave[k][j]=px EndFor EndFor WaveStats MatResWave Print "Rotating z by phi =",V_minRowLoc/(180/PI)," and then rotating y by theta = ",V_minColLoc/(180/PI) Straight(V_minRowLoc/(180/PI),V_minColLoc/(180/PI)) End
Looking at your code here are a few quick comments:
1. it would be useful to know the dimensions of your MT* waves. This is important if you want to use MatrixOP in a meaningful way. The general idea would be to try and pack your MT* waves into a single matrix that would be multiplied by the various rotations.
2. two rotations can be concatenated into a single matrix multiplication.
3. it is not clear why you need both angle waves as they are directly generated from the index.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 5, 2015 at 11:03 am - Permalink
In answer to your comments:
1. The MT* waves are three columns corresponding to X,Y,Z coordinates. They have a start and end i.e. two rows. The idea is to find a rotation condition that will maximally align all waves to the zenith. This will then allow us to compare MT* waves from many experiments.
2. I didn't realise that. Do you mean have the second matrix (yRotationMatrix) as second layer to the first matrix?
3. Ah yes I see. But would you still advocate using this looped index approach rather than a matrix to set these values?
Thank you again for the help. I'd appreciate further input.
January 5, 2015 at 12:45 pm - Permalink
I am not sure I understand the details but my hunch is that you might do better by running PCA on the data and then performing a single rotation.
This is a general rule. You can find the details e.g., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_rotation_theorem. See the third paragraph.
No. Just write out the matrix representation of rotating any vector and then applying another rotation to the result. You should then see what I mean.
I'd be tempted to store each MT wave as a layer of a 3D wave say MT3D. Next, for each proposed rotation you find the equivalent matrix RM and then the rotation of all MT's is simply:
MatrixOP/O aa=MT3D x RM
Finally, a tricky way to evaluate the square root expression is to appropriately transpose (see ImageTransform transposeVol) the resulting aa so that you are subtracting layers.
I hope this helps,
WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 5, 2015 at 05:36 pm - Permalink
January 5, 2015 at 11:31 pm - Permalink