WinHook and Marquee

Does anybody know if it is possible to suppress the marquee in a graph when shift is pressed. I would like to do some drag and drop stuff if shift is pressed. The getkeystate(0) == 4 is clear to me but I have no idea about the marquee handling. On the one hand I don't want to see the marquee in this case and on the other hand (and even more important) I need to catch mousemoved and mouseup events from the winhook eventcode which seems not to be possible if the marquee is drawn. In addition I would be happy if I could switch off the default drag and drop functionality given by IGOR itself.
Any ideas on that?
Since nobody replied so far maybe sombody could help me with a workaround... Does anybody know if it is possible to catch the mouseposition if a marquee is drawn on a graph (even better would be the x and y value of the graph).
Yes, this is an old post, but I recently had the same need to override the normal marquee behavior. By some luck I found a solution. Simply return a non-zero value from a named window hook function for a mousedown event. Here's the basic idea:

Function MyWinHook(s)
    STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s

        Variable disableMarquee = 0

                case 3:    // mousedown event
                        // do whatever code here...
                        disableMarquee = 1

        return disableMarquee
That, of course, will also disable all interaction with any aspect of the graph, like dragging an axis, or double-clicking to bring up a dialog. Fine if that's what you intend.

Igor 7 will have a new ModifyGraph keyword, UIControl with a series of bit flags to control user interaction with graph elements. One of the flags (so far, at least) will disallow the marquee.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.