Igor as Automation Server for Java client

I see that there are demo examples of how to use Igor as an Automation Server for C++, or VB clients in the Misc/WindowsAutomation folder, however I was wondering if there is any example code somewhere of how to connect to Igor from a Java application? I would like to be able to open a pxp file from Java, and retrieve certain waves.


Gerard Droege
I'm not the best qualified to answer this but....

1) You may be able to figure out how to read and write PXP files from by reading IGOR Pro Technical Note PTN003 (in the technical notes folder). I'm not sure how easy this is, but the PXP file format is openly described (unlike some other programs) and stable.

2) IGOR<->Java bridging may be a bit more difficult. THere are a few possibilities. You could use a TCP/IP socket (using the SOCKIT xop), using localhost. The Java program would have to act like a server and the IGOR program would have to be the client. OR perhaps you could use a file stream?
