Modifying creation date of a wave

My waves are taken from an oscilloscope, so I'd like to put the trigger time stamp into the creation time. This could then be retrieved by creationdate(wave), and remain a fixed value despite other operations on the wave. The trigger time may differ from the wave creation time if the trace is not downloaded from the scope immediately.
Note <waveName>,"CREATIONDATE="+<your date here>+";"
and extracting with stringByKey("CREATIONDATE",note(<waveName>),"=",";") at any later time. The KEY=VALUE; approach allows you to put any number of data points in any order, as a bonus.
May 18, 2009 at 09:36 pm - Permalink
I have written a function which lets you set the creation date of a igor binary wave. It requires that the wave is saved to disk as .ibw file. You can't process a wave which is part of a Igor experiment, but temporarily write a wave do disk, change the creation date, load the wave back in and then delete the file shouldn't be so difficult.
Here comes the code:
May 19, 2009 at 04:50 am - Permalink