Violin plots
An example is here in matplotlib
Unless I'm missing something, I can't see an implementation in IgorPro.
My initial thought to do this is: make a histogram from each 1D wave, smooth, make a copy, multiply one version by 0.5 and the other by -0.5. There are several problems with this: dealing with multiple waves will be difficult, it will be in the wrong orientation, smoothing needs to be done relative to bin size (I think). I wondered if anyone has tackled this already? Perhaps as part of implementing the Scatter Dot Plot graphing package?
The original reference for Violin Plots is Hintze & Nelson (1998) The American Statistician 52(2):181-4.
Be sure to use axis coordinates with SetDrawEnv.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 24, 2014 at 08:32 am - Permalink
to make it stand on its head.John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 26, 2014 at 09:20 am - Permalink
Edit: in case anyone is following this thread. I have found a very nice kernel density estimation on IgorExchange written by bech I'll try and work up a solution to this and will post if I get something that will be useful to others.
November 30, 2014 at 11:43 pm - Permalink
Attached are two images showing my violin plots overlaid on violin plots from R. The data are oldfaithful$waiting and oldfaithful$eruptions. My plots are in orange/red and the R plots are in black/blue. I've scaled them so you can see the difference between them. I know that I've not trimmed my violins yet.
My problem is the smoothing parameter (the standard deviation of the kernels that are summed to give the KDE). I calculate this using Silverman's rule of thumb: h= (4/3n)^1/5 * sigma. This is what R is using as the optimum smoothing parameter. Plugging this into my code (variable bw, below), I have to use h*sqrt(2) in the /WDTH flag of FastGaussTransform. This gives an "undersmoothed" violin. I can't figure out where the discrepancy comes from. FastGaussTransform definitely uses /WDTH correctly and I can't find a problem with the /RX flag (although bech's code notes that this may need attention). For the oldfaithful$waiting data if I use bw=10 in my code, Igor produces a violin that looks like the "real thing", whereas the optimum is 6.6, i.e. 4.7*sqrt(2). Any help would be much appreciated!
wave w
variable bw
variable xpos
variable n=numpnts(w), kde_norm, xmin=wavemin(w)-2*bw, xmax=wavemax(w)+2*bw
variable nx = min(round(100*(xmax-xmin)/bw),100)
make /d/free/n=(n) wweights=1
FastGaussTransform /WDTH=(bw)/RX=(4*bw) /OUT1={xmin,nx,xmax} w,wweights // you may need to tweak /RX flag value
wave M_FGT; kde_norm=sum(M_FGT)*deltax(M_FGT); M_FGT /= kde_norm
string wnL=NameofWave(w)+"_kdeL"; duplicate /d/o M_FGT $wnL
string wnR=NameofWave(w)+"_kdeR"; duplicate /d/o M_FGT $wnR
string wnLx=NameofWave(w)+"_kdeLx"; duplicate /d/o M_FGT $wnLx
string wnRx=NameofWave(w)+"_kdeRx"; duplicate /d/o M_FGT $wnRx
string vwny=NameofWave(w)+"_kdevy"
string vwnx=NameofWave(w)+"_kdevx"
killwaves M_FGT
wave wnL1=$wnL
wave wnR1=$wnR
wave wnLx1=$wnLx
wave wnRx1=$wnRx
wnLx1 =x
wnRx1 =x
wnR1 *=-1
Reverse wnR1,wnRx1
Concatenate /O /NP {wnL1,wnR1}, $vwny
Concatenate /O /NP {wnLx1,wnRx1}, $vwnx
wave vwny1=$vwny
wave vwnx1=$vwnx
setdrawenv ycoord=left, xcoord=bottom, fillpat=0
DrawPoly vwny1[0],xpos+vwnx1[0],1,1, vwny1,vwnx1
December 5, 2014 at 12:15 am - Permalink
UPDATE: code for violin plots is on code snippets
December 16, 2014 at 03:07 am - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 16, 2014 at 10:00 am - Permalink
WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 16, 2014 at 01:42 pm - Permalink