Default #include statements for new experiments?

I'm attempting to standardize a lot of input/output with saved functions. Is there a way to make certain #include statements in the main procedure window in the way that you can make fonts and graph colors, layouts, etc., standard upon opening a new Experiment?

Ideally, I'd like to have something like the following show up in the Procedure window every time I create a new Experiment:
#pragma rtGlobals=3     // Use modern global access method and strict wave access.
#include "StandardUserFunctions" //Include user-saved functions every time a new experiment is opened.

"StandardUserFunctions" would be a standard set of functions that would be loaded automatically every time I start a new Experiment, saved in the appropriate Igor User Files directory.

The "Capture Preferences for New Procedure Windows" doesn't seem to retain the settings I need for a new experiment.

I apologize if this has been covered before. I've searched on what I thought were the appropriate search terms in both the user manual and Igor Exchange. and couldn't find a way to do it.
The usual way to accomplish something close to this is to create a procedure file with your #include "..." and save it to Igor Procedures. Not quite the same, as it won't be saved with the experiment file, but it will result in your procedures always being available any time you start up Igor on your machine.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.