Button, pop-up, or other controls in table


Is there a way to add a button, pop-up menu, or other control to a table? On a related note, is there a way to add/modify an item in the default context (right click) menu of a table (or graph)?

The closest I've found so far is to add a window hook that pops up a contextual menu.

Instead of adding a button to a table (which you can't do) make a control panel with a table subwindow. In draw mode, you can right-click in a panel and select New->Table.

The contextual menu in a table cannot be extended with user menu items. The marquee menu in a graph can be extended, but not the other contextual menus. See this:

DisplayHelpTopic "Built-in Menus That Can Be Extended"

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.