Igor Pro Universal Testing Framework

The Igor Pro Universal Testing Framework (IUTF) is a versatile tool to write and run tests for Igor Pro code. The results of the tests is outputted in standardized formats that can be parsed by common CI frameworks. Test runs can also be fully automated as part of a CI/CD workflow. For simpler usage scenarios a summary of the test run is shown in the history after it finished.


  • Runs on Windows and MacOSX
  • Completely documented and with lots of examples
  • Includes more than ten test assertions coming in three versions
  • Allows for the arbitrary grouping of test cases
  • Easily expandable and adaptable
  • Support for executing test suites from the command line

Project Details

Project Documentation: View Documentation
Project Homepage: View Homepage

Current Project Release

Release File: igortest-v1.10.zip (829.85 KB)
Version: 1.10
Version Date:
Version Major: 1.
Version Patch Level: 10
Release Link: https://github.com/byte-physics/igortest/releases/tag/v1.10
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

See here for the full changelog.

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