Abeles - specular Neutron/Xray reflectivity curve simulation

This XOP generates neutron/Xray specular reflectivity curves from parameters that describe a scattering length density profile at an interface. The XOP is intensively used by the Motofit reflectivity fitting package.

  • multithreaded
  • Project Details

    Project CVS: http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/abeles/

    Current Project Release

    Abeles - specular Neutron/Xray reflectivity curve simulation IGOR.7.00.x-7.0-0

    Release File: abeles.zip (372.99 KB)
    Version: IGOR.7.00.x-7.0-0
    Version Date:
    Version Major: 7
    Version Patch Level: 0
    OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
    Release Notes: 64bit Windows and OSX XOP's for IP7 only
    View All Releases




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