Touchstone File Import, Analysis, & Plotting

Project contains procedures that perform the following functions:

- Load Touchstone files (thanks to Howard Rodstein for doing most of the footwork)
- Convert single-ended 4 port s-params to 2 port differential s-params
- Create group delay waves from imported s-params
- Plot Impedance
- Add data marker to plot with one click
- Add a limit line to a plot to check if imported s-params meet a predefined threshold
- Format plots to add a legend, change trace colors, add title, and add correct axis labels
- ReadMe file included for installation and operation assistance

*Note, all functions were written to work with TouchstoneFileLoader.ipf
If any bugs are found, please report the bug so that it may be resolved.

Project Details

Current Project Release

Touchstone File Import, Analysis, & Plotting IGOR.6.20.x-1.12

Release File: (67.1 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.20.x-1.12
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 12
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel
Release Notes: Project contains procedures that perform the following functions:

- Load Touchstone files (thanks to Howard Rodstein for doing most of the footwork)
- Convert single-ended 4 port s-params to 2 port differential s-params
- Create group delay waves from imported s-params
- Plot Impedance
- Add data marker to plot with one click
- Add a limit line to a plot to check if imported s-params meet a predefined threshold
- Format plots to add a legend, change trace colors, add title, and add correct axis labels
- ReadMe file included for installation and operation assistance

*Note, all functions were written to work with TouchstoneFileLoader.ipf
If any bugs are found, please report the bug so that it may be resolved.
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