Periodic Table Panel

This provides a panel showing the periodic table of elements, with each element as a button that can be programmed to display or output information about the element.

This package is under re-development.

Distribution Details

  • Experiments: none
  • Procedure Files: PeriodicTablePanel
  • XOPS: none
  • Demos: PeriodicTablePanel (experiment)
  • Requires Packages: xml2igorpro 2.03
  • Documentation: User Manual (PDF)
  • Also Works For Igor Version: ? (untested)


Project Details

Current Project Release

Periodic Table Panel IGOR.6.00.x-3.0.1-dev

Release File: (70.18 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.00.x-3.0.1-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Extra: dev
Version Patch Level: 1
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: This is the ZIP archive of the release.
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