
HDF5gateway makes it easy to read a HDF5 file into an IgorPro folder, including group and dataset attributes, such as a NeXus data file, modify it, and then write it back out.
The goal was to make it easy to read a HDF5 file into an IgorPro folder, including group and dataset attributes, such as a NeXus data file, modify it, and then write it back out. This file provides functions to do just that.
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The goal was to make it easy to read a HDF5 file into an IgorPro folder, including group and dataset attributes, such as a NeXus data file, modify it, and then write it back out. This file provides functions to do just that.
Project Details
Project Changelog: | View Changelog |
Project Documentation: | View Documentation |
Project Homepage: | View Homepage |
Project License: | http://subversion.xray.aps.anl.gov/admin_small_angle/HDF5gateway/_downloads/LICENSE |
Current Project Release
HDF5gateway IGOR.6.20.x-1.0
Release File: | HDF5gateway.ipf (43.08 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.20.x-1.0 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 0 |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: | initial release |



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