Igor Sequencer for Arduino

Igor Sequencer controls an Arduino device to produce sequences of output pulses in a user-defined sequence. It provides low cost control of up to 12 outputs in two banks of 6 pins with sub-millisecond accuracy. Sequences are programmed through a GUI and they can be saved and loaded for quick recall.

You will need an Arduino Uno or Mega (it will probably work with other Arduino models as well). A sketch is provided which contains the code to install on the Arduino. A manual describing installation and operation is also available for download.

This software has been tested on Macintosh and Windows versions of Igor running Igor Pro 6.3.

Further information can be found by following the links towards the bottom of the following page:


Project Details

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Current Project Release

Igor Sequencer for Arduino IGOR.6.30.x-1.2

Release File: Igor Sequencer1_2.zip (402.56 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-1.2
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 2
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Got rid of non-fatal compilation errors caused by calling elements of a structure before they were declared as variables. This was only apparent with the debugger on and with NVAR, SVAR and WAVE checking on.
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