
A package that makes adding extensive functionality to tab controls easy.
NOTE: I haven't finished the ACL_Tab Control Utility.ihf help file yet. However, using the package is fairly simple. Just follow these steps:
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NOTE: I haven't finished the ACL_Tab Control Utility.ihf help file yet. However, using the package is fairly simple. Just follow these steps:
- Open both of the included procedure files (TabControl and UserdataEditor) in your Igor Pro experiment. These procedures require Igor Pro 6.01 or greater.
- Create a panel with a tab control and add your controls to it.
- In panel edit mode, double click on the tab control. Set the action procedure of the tab control to be
. - Now you have to assign the various controls and subwindows on your panel to the appropriate tab. To do this first select the panel you wish to edit and then select Panel --> Packages --> Userdata Editor for Controls.
- Type in the tab number (zero based) that each control should be assigned to, and also type in the name of the tab control on which each control should be placed. You don't have to assign every control in a panel to a tab. Controls that are not assigned to a tab control will be visible regardless of which tab is currently selected.
- For more information, see the example experiment included with the download and/or the help files.
Project Details
Project CVS: | http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/ACL_tabcontrol/trunk/ |
Current Project Release
ACL_tabcontrol IGOR.6.01.x-1.0.x-dev
Release File: | ACL_tabcontrol-IGOR.6.01.x-1.0.x-dev.zip (144.73 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.01.x-1.0.x-dev |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Extra: | dev |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: |
This is an initial release of the package. Please note that the ACL_Tab Control Utilities.ihf help file has not yet been completed. However, the Igor Pro procedure files themselves are complete and have been tested rather thoroughly. Known issues: If you're using Igor 6.02B02 or B03, you may find that subwindows sometimes disappear when they shouldn't. WaveMetrics is aware of this bug and may be able to provide a private beta that fixes the problem. You should contact them directly if you run into this problem. |



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