Chi-Square periodogram

#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. ////////////////////////// ///// Chi-Square periodogram //// //// chi_square_periodogram(w1, size, start_val, end_val) //// w1: wave to be analyzed. Its unit must be "min" //// size : resolution of periodogram (in "min") //// start_val, end_val:periodicity range from start_val to end_val (in "min") //// to be focused on for analysis //// //// Result wave is made as "Qp" //// The stronger is the rhythmiciy in a data set, the higher is the value of Qp. //// //// References //// 1. Refinetti, Journal of Theoretical Biology 277, 571-581, 2004 //// Qp=K*N*Sigma[h=1->P](Mh-M)^2 / Sigma[i=1->N](Xi-N)^2 //// //// 2. Sokolve & Bushell, Journal of Theoretical Biology 72, 131-160, 1978 //// //// made on 23 Jan 2009 by Y. Ootsuka //// //// Function/S chi_square_periodogram(w1, size, start_val, end_val) wave w1 variable size, start_val, end_val variable Period // period e.g. 10min, 20min, .... ,100min,..., 200min variable M // mean of all N value variable N // a number of total data points collected variable K // a number of blocks. variable P //NumofBins variable h,i,j, blockNum Variable Qp_denominator, Qp_nominator variable SumMh_M Make /o/n=(round((end_val-start_val)/size)) Qp // probability distribution of chi-square with P-1 degress of freedom wavestats /Q w1 Qp_denominator =V_sdev^2*(V_npnts-1) M=V_avg // mean of all values of data N=numpnts(w1) // TotalNumData Do Period=start_val+size*j K=round(N*deltax(w1)/Period) // TotalNumofBlocks P=round(Period/deltax(w1)) // NumofBins per period Make /o/n=(P) Mh For (h=0;h<P;h+=1) For (blockNum=0;blockNum<K;blockNum+=1) // cal Mh[h] from K blocks of period P if (blockNum==0) Mh[h]=w1[blockNum*P+h] else Mh[h]+=w1[blockNum*P+h] endif endfor Mh[h]/=(K-1) // Mean of Mh[h] from K blocks of period P if (h==0) SumMh_M=(Mh[h]-M)^2 else SumMh_M+=(Mh[h]-M)^2 endif endfor Qp_nominator=K*N*(SumMh_M-M) Qp[j]=Qp_nominator/Qp_denominator j+=1 while(Period<=end_val || j<numpnts(Qp)) SetScale/P x start_val,size,"min", Qp return nameofwave(Qp) end



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