Wave arithmetic for mismatched XY wave pairs

Performs addition, subtraction, multiplication or division on two XY pairs of waves. Determines the overlap X range and creates an XY output pair with names determined by the string outwavename; the X wave of the output pair has "_X" appended the the specified name. The output X wave contains all X values from both input pairs that fall within the common range. To do the arithmetic operations, a Y value is interpolated from each input Y wave at each of the output X values. The arithmetic is done using this pair of interpolated Y values. No attempt is made to eliminate duplicated X values.
// Constants to use for the "operation" input Constant XYArith_Add=0 Constant XYArith_Subtract=1 Constant XYArith_Multiply=2 Constant XYArith_Divide=3 Function UnmatchedXYPairArithmetic(axwave, aywave, bxwave, bywave, operation, outwavename) WAVE axwave, aywave, bxwave, bywave Variable operation String outwavename Sort axwave, axwave, aywave Sort bxwave, bxwave, bywave WaveStats/Q axwave Variable amin = V_min Variable aminloc = V_minloc Variable amax = V_max Variable amaxloc = V_maxloc WaveStats/Q bxwave Variable bmin = V_min Variable bminloc = V_minloc Variable bmax = V_max Variable bmaxloc = V_maxloc if ((amin > bmax) || (amax < bmin)) DoAlert 0, "X waves don't overlap" endif Variable beginx = amin < bmin ? bmin : amin Variable endx = amax < bmax ? amax : bmax Variable beginp = binarysearch(axwave, beginx)+1 Variable endp = binarysearch(axwave, endx) Duplicate/FREE/R=[beginp, endp] axwave,srcax Duplicate/FREE/R=[beginp, endp] aywave,srcay beginp = binarysearch(bxwave, beginx)+1 endp = binarysearch(bxwave, endx) Duplicate/FREE/R=[beginp, endp] bxwave,srcbx Duplicate/FREE/R=[beginp, endp] bywave,srcby KillWaves/Z $(outwavename+"_X") Concatenate/NP/O {srcax, srcbx}, $(outwavename+"_X")/WAVE=xw Duplicate/O xw, $outwavename/WAVE=yw switch(operation) case 0: yw = aywave[binarysearchinterp(axwave, xw[p])] + bywave[binarysearchinterp(bxwave, xw[p])] break; case 1: yw = aywave[binarysearchinterp(axwave, xw[p])] - bywave[binarysearchinterp(bxwave, xw[p])] break; case 2: yw = aywave[binarysearchinterp(axwave, xw[p])] * bywave[binarysearchinterp(bxwave, xw[p])] break; case 3: yw = aywave[binarysearchinterp(axwave, xw[p])] / bywave[binarysearchinterp(bxwave, xw[p])] break; endswitch end // IsMonotonic() returns true if the wave has dwave(x)/dx >= 0 for all x. Static Function IsMonotonic(WAVE wv) Differentiate/METH=1/EP=1 wv/D=difwave WAVE difwave Variable wmin = WaveMin(difwave) Variable wmax = WaveMax(difwave) KillWaves difwave return (wmin < 0 && wmax <= 0) || (wmin >= 0 && wmax > 0) End



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