Batch savePict

//saves one or more graphs as enhanced metafiles, or other image file types as specified by the optional type parameter. #pragma TextEncoding = "Windows-1252" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. function SavePICT_batch(matchStr,numGraphs, pathName, [h, w, res, nStr,cmdStr,type]) String matchStr //optional matchStr for window names -- pass "" or "*" for top-most graphs Variable numGraphs String pathName //specify a symbolic path to the directory for saving the files. User is prompted to select a directory if the symbolic path does not exist Variable h, w //optionally set height. Uses inches by multiplying input value by 72 Variable res //see otions in switch statement below. 0 or 8 is 8x screen resolution, 1 is 1x, so on String nStr //when passed, this is used as start of output name. If more than one graph being saved, naming is [nStr]0, [nStr]1, ... string cmdStr //when passed, disp_general(cmdStr) is run on each graph before saving, e.g. "modifygraph fsize=16" Variable type //-2 for enhanced metafile, -5 for png, -7 for tiff. See the savePICT /E flag for more details Variable usedType if (ParamIsDefault(type)) //no type speficiation, use default usedType = -2 //-2 for high res enhanced metafile (good for illustrator), -5 for png, -7 for tiff else usedType = type endif Variable spbt = 1 //Save PNG Background as Transparent (only affects PNGs) PathInfo $pathName if (!V_flag) Newpath/O $pathName if (V_flag) Print "SavePICT_batch(): path set canceled; aborting." endif endif if (ParamIsDefault(res)) res = 8 endif Variable resVal = res*72 //1 to 8 are options for res if (strlen(matchStr) < 1) //default to all windows matchStr="*" endif String graphWindows = WinList(matchStr, ";", "WIN:1" ) if (!ParamIsDefault(cmdStr)) disp_general(cmdStr, "*", numGraphs) endif Variable i, count; String sname Variable num=min(numGraphs,itemsinlist(graphWindows)) for (i=0; i<num ; i+=1) //check for height, width changes if (!ParamIsDefault(h)) ModifyGraph/W=$StringFromList(i, graphWindows) height = h*72; doupdate ModifyGraph/W=$StringFromList(i, graphWindows) height = 0 //makes height adjustable again endif if (!ParamIsDefault(w)) ModifyGraph/W=$StringFromList(i, graphWindows) width = w*72; doupdate ModifyGraph/W=$StringFromList(i, graphWindows) width = 0 //makes height adjustable again endif //check for a custom name if (ParamIsDefault(nStr)) //no custom name SavePICT/Z/O/P=$pathName/EF=2/Q=1/B=(resVal)/E=(usedType)/TRAN=(spbt)/WIN=$StringFromList(i, graphWindows) Print "Saved: " + StringFromList(i, graphWindows) else if (numGraphs < 2) //just one input, don't append a number to give it a unique name sname = nStr else //multiple windows to save, append a number to make sure output name is unique for each one sname = nStr + num2str(count) endif switch (usedType) case -2: //emf sname += ".emf" break case -5: //png sname += ".png" break case -7: sname += ".tif" break endswitch SavePICT/Z/O/P=$pathName/EF=2/E=(usedType)/Q=1/B=(resVal)/TRAN=(spbt)/WIN=$StringFromList(i, graphWindows) as sname Print "Saved: " + StringFromList(i, graphWindows),"save name =", sname endif if (V_flag == 0) count+=1 else Print "Error in SavePICT_batch() from SavePICT. Error code = " + num2str(V_flag) endif endfor Print "total num saved = " + num2str(count) + " of target num = " + num2str(numGraphs) end function disp_general(cmdStr, matchStr, numGraphs) String cmdStr, matchStr; Variable numGraphs if (strlen(matchStr) < 1) matchStr = "*" //defaul to all graphs endif String list = winlist(matchStr,";","WIN:1") Variable i,numWins=min(numGraphs,itemsinlist(list)); String winN; for (i=0;i<numWins;i+=1) winN = StringFromList(i, list) Dowindow/F $winN //bring to front Execute cmdStr endfor dowindow/H/F //send the command window back to the top of the desktop. end



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