Loading/unloading of procedure files from User Procedures folder

Just add the desired procedure file in the panel and then load/unload it with one click or CTRL+6 to siwtch the included state.
#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. #pragma version=0.1 #pragma igorVersion=6.3 #pragma IndependentModule=IncludeLoader // Author: thomas aht braun dot byte minus physics dot de // Feb 2018 static StrConstant panel = "IncludeLoader" Menu "MyMacros" "IncludeLoader",/Q, CreatePanel() "Switch Inluded State/6",/Q, SwitchState() End Function CreatePanel() DoWindow $panel if(V_Flag) KillWindow $panel endif NewPanel/W=(150,77,350,150)/N=$panel/K=1 Button button0,pos={76,7},size={50,20},proc=$(GetIndependentModuleName() + "#ButtonProcLoadUnload") SetVariable setvar0,pos={37,38},size={159,16},title="Includes: " SetVariable setvar0,value= _STR:"" UpdatePanel() End static Function/S GetIncludes() DoWindow $panel if(!V_Flag) return "" endif ControlInfo/W=$panel setvar0 return S_value End static Function isIncludeLoaded() string includeFiles = GetIncludes() /// @todo handle properly string includeFile = StringFromList(0, includeFiles) string list = WinList(includeFile + ".ipf", ";", "WIN:128") return ( strlen(list) != 0 ) End Function SwitchState() variable i, numItems string includeFile, includeFiles includeFiles = GetIncludes() numItems = ItemsInList(includeFiles) for(i = 0; i < numItems; i += 1) includeFile = StringFromList(i, includeFiles) if(isIncludeLoaded()) Execute/P/Q "DELETEINCLUDE \"" + includeFile + "\"" else Execute/P/Q "INSERTINCLUDE \"" + includeFile + "\"" endif endfor Execute/P/Q/Z "COMPILEPROCEDURES " // update the panel after loading/unloading the include Execute/P/Q/Z GetIndependentModuleName() + "#UpdatePanel()" End Function ButtonProcLoadUnload(ba) : ButtonControl STRUCT WMButtonAction &ba switch(ba.eventCode) case 2: // mouse up SwitchState() break case -1: // control being killed break endswitch return 0 End Function UpdatePanel() if(isIncludeLoaded()) Button button0, win=$panel, title="Unload" else Button button0, win=$panel, title="Load" endif End



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Here is a slightly different version that uses listboxes to select files to be loaded or unloaded, and populates these with the names of available procedure files. Since this should be run as an independent module, the code must sit in its own procedure window. I've attached a procedure file.
-- edited to remove attachment. more recent version of procedure loader is here.
July 23, 2018 at 08:45 am - Permalink