Working out if a string list of IGOR commands is syntactically correct (i.e. would they work from the command line)

One provides a textwave containing the list of IGOR commands. These are then written to a procedure file, with text to make it look like they are enclosed in a function. This procedure file is then INSERTINCLUDEd and a COMPILEPROCEDURES is attempted. If the commands are fine then the procedure file compiles and no error messages are produced. If one or more of the commands is syntactically wrong then an IGOR compilation error window pops up and says that there is a problem. It will also list where the first problem is.
After this the procedure file is DELETEINCLUDEd and recompiled (COMPILEPROCEDURES). It is necessary for the procedure to be in an Independent Module because it can continue processing if there is a problem.
#pragma IndependentModule=batchChecker Function checkBatchFile(listWave) Wave/t listWave pathinfo IGOR newpath/o/q/z User_PROCEDURES, S_Path+"User Procedures" //first part is to write the listWave to a procedure file duplicate/o/t listwave, batchFileChecker redimension/n=(-1,0) batchfileChecker insertpoints 0,2,batchfilechecker batchfileChecker[0] = "#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method." batchfileChecker[1] = "Function test()" redimension/n=(numpnts(batchfileChecker)+1) batchFileChecker batchfileChecker[inf] = "End" Save/o/g/P=User_Procedures batchfileChecker as "batchFileChecker.ipf" killwaves/z batchFileChecker //now do the checking string/g diditcompile = "" execute/p/z "INSERTINCLUDE \"batchFileChecker\"" execute/p/z/q "COMPILEPROCEDURES " execute/p/z/q "didItcompile = Functionlist(\"\",\";\",\"\")" execute/p/q/z "DELETEINCLUDE \"batchFileChecker\"" execute/p/z/q "COMPILEPROCEDURES " execute/p/z/q "Deletefile/P=User_Procedures \"batchFileChecker.ipf\"" execute/p/q/z "batchChecker#compResult(didItCompile)" End Function compresult(val) string val Variable/g V_flag if(stringmatch(val,"Procedures Not Compiled;")) print "There seems to be something wrong with your list of commands" V_flag = 1 else print "Your batch list of commands seems to be syntactically correct" V_flag=0 Endif end



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