Asymmetric least squares smoothing

// by tony.withers@uwo.ca, using method of Eilers, PHC and Boelens, HFM // (2005) Baseline correction with asymmetric least squares smoothing. // Creates (and overwrites) w_base, a baseline estimate for w_data. The // asymmetry parameter (Eilers and Boelens' p) generally takes values // between 0.001 and 0.1. Try varying lambda in orders of magnitude // between 10^2 and 10^9. Not efficient for large N, try it for w_data // with fewer than 1000 points. function ALS(w_data, lambda, asymmetry) wave w_data variable lambda, asymmetry variable i, N=numpnts(w_data), rms=inf variable maxIts=20 matrixOp /free D = identity(N) differentiate /EP=1/METH=2/DIM=0 D differentiate /EP=1/METH=2/DIM=0 D // this step (specifically the matrix multiplication) is slow: matrixOp /free H = lambda * (D^t x D) duplicate /o/free w_data w, w_new w=1 for (i=0;i<maxIts;i+=1) matrixOp /o/free C = chol(diagRC(w, N, N)+H) matrixOp /o w_base = backwardSub(C,(forwardSub(C^t, w * w_data))) w_new = asymmetry * (w_data>w_base) + (1-asymmetry) * (w_data<w_base) // convergence test w-=w_new wavestats /Q w if (v_rms>=rms) return i+1 else rms=v_rms w=w_new endif endfor return 0 end



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I changed the original code from tony a little bit to be able to use it on larger datasets:
July 31, 2018 at 08:20 am - Permalink