Randomise pixels in image

This quick snippet will move pixels to (semi) random locations in each image in a stack. The output is saved as a new 3D wave called outWave. I wrote this for an analysis routine where I needed to assess correlation in a masked region of two images. The randomised version allows me to see what correlation we would expect by chance.
Function RandomiseImage(inWave) Wave inWave Duplicate/O inWave, outWave Variable xx = dimsize(inWave,0) Variable yy = dimsize(inWave,1) Variable zz = dimsize(inWave,2) Variable i for(i = 0; i < zz; i += 1) MatrixOp/O/FREE tempLayer = layer(inWave,i) Redimension/N=(xx*yy) tempLayer StatsSample/N=(xx*yy) tempLayer WAVE/Z W_Sampled Redimension/N=(xx,yy) W_Sampled outWave[][][i] = W_Sampled[p][q] endfor End



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