get list of all files in a folder (and subfolders)

Subfolders are searched by default, set recurse=0 to disable this.
Tested in MS Windows.
// Given a path to a folder on disk, gets all files ending in "ext" Function/S findFiles(path, ext[, recurse]) // By default, subfolders are searched. Turn off with recurse=0. // 2017-05-02, joel corbin // string path, ext; variable recurse if (paramIsDefault(recurse)) recurse=1 endif path = sanitizeFilePath(path) // may not work in extreme cases string fileList="" string files="" string pathName = "tmpPath" string folders =path+";" // Remember the full path of all folders in "path" & search each for "ext" files string fldr do fldr = stringFromList(0,folders) NewPath/O/Q $pathName, fldr // sets S_path=$path, and creates the symbolic path needed for indexedFile() PathInfo $pathName files = indexedFile($pathName,-1,ext) // get file names if (strlen(files)) files = fldr+":"+ replaceString(";", removeEnding(files), ";"+fldr+":") // add the full path (folders 'fldr') to every file in the list fileList = addListItem(files,fileList) endif if (recurse) folders += indexedDir($pathName,-1,1) // get full folder paths endif folders = removeFromList(fldr, folders) // Remove the folder we just looked at while (strlen(folders)) KillPath $pathName return fileList End static function /s sanitizeFilePath(path) // Avoid annoyances with escape characters when using Microsoft Windows directories. string path path = replaceString("\t", path, "\\t") path = replaceString("\r", path, "\\r") path = replaceString("\n", path, "\\n") return path end



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